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💝 fun vue component library for my own use.


Codacy Badge

vue component library containing fun stuff.

📌 to-dos

marked in issues.

🤤 usage

see #3.

to install the library, run

npm install --save @knowscount/vue-lib

you can choose to import the entire library, or use a slightly different syntax to import individual components:

// Import and register entire library
import VueLib from '@knowscount/vue-lib';
// Import and register globally individual components from the library
import { FooComponent, FooComponent2 } from '@knowscount/vue-lib';
Vue.component('FooComponent', FooComponent);
Vue.component('FooComponent2', FooComponent2);
// Import and register locally individual components from the library
import { FooComponent, FooComponent2 } from '@knowscount/vue-lib';

export default {
  name: 'SomeParentComponent',
  components: {

🙋‍♂️ contributing

please read

🛠 project setup

npm install

🔨 compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

📦 compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

🔧 customize configuration

see configuration reference.