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List of FastAPI projects! :sunglasses: :rocket:
Awesome FastAPI Projects
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The aim of this repository is to have an organized list of projects that use FastAPI.
If you're looking for FastAPI content, you might want to check Awesome FastAPI.
Project | Dependencies |
2020_slowdelivery_take | aiohttp, pytest, tortoise |
AI-Service | kombu, setuptools, pymongo, redis, sentry_asgi, sentry_sdk, pymlconf, socketio, src |
African_Wildlife_Classifier | aiohttp, fastai, torch |
Auth-Service | kombu, requests, setuptools, passlib, pymongo, redis, sentry_asgi, sentry_sdk, pymlconf, jwt, socketio, src, bson |
BenchmarkRoundOne | aiohttp |
Benchmarker | apis |
Blog | face_recognition, imutils, PIL, flask, cv2 |
CCTO | sets, SimpleHTTPSErver, requests, dircache, ovm_lib, jarray, pip, httplib, urllib3, SockerServer, ansible, hello, java, ovmclient |
CFE_30D.PY | formatting, flask, scrape, logger, requests, pandas, download_util, requests_html |
COVID-19API | aiohttp, ujson, async_lru, API, scrapy, fastapi_plugins, aioredis, bs4 |
COVID-QA | elasticapm, eval, sentence_transformers, sklearn, elasticsearch, tqdm, scrapy, requests, backend, nltk, haystack, preprocess, farm, langid, datasources, torch, tfidf_train, covid_nlp |
CUCM-Phone-Info | rq, cryptography, zeep, requests, redis, lxml, lib, apscheduler, api, OpenSSL, sqlalchemy, jwt, bs4 |
Chatbot | nltk, chatterbot, sklearn, requests, tqdm, chatbot |
ChatiChatou | chat, aioredis |
CheckersAI | pytest, aiohttp, game, api, conftest, checkers |
Cloud_APS1 | pymongo, requests |
CryptoViz | bs4, requests, pyti, pymongo, lib, binance, dateutil, cryptocalculator, channelfinder, dotenv, flask, boto3, click, fastapi_users |
DS-API | dotenv, praw |
Daft | main, queries, schemas, pytest, jose, database, crud |
Daims_FastAPI | auth, dns, dataset, config, url, utils, database |
Data-Engineering | nltk, aiohttp, api |
Docker-Builder | rq, pytest, endpoints, requests, redis, builder, docker, settings, docker_builder, models, worker, middlewares, router |
Dispatch | SQLAlchemy-Searchable, aiofiles, alembic‚ arrow‚ bcrypt, cachetools, click, email-validator, emails, fastapi_permissions, google-api-python-client, google-auth-oauthlib, h11, httpx, jinja2, jira, joblib, numpy, oauth2client, pandas, pdpyras, psycopg2-binary, pyparsing, python-dateutil, python-jose, python-multipart, pytz, requests, rsa, schedule, sentry-asgi, sentry-sdk, sh, slackclient, spacy, sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy-filters, statsmodels, tabulate, tenacity, uvicorn |
DockerImageResNet50 | redis, PIL, locust, keras |
Downotifier | twilio, bs4, requests, URLChecker, TwilioWhatsapp |
ExcelTools | motor, databases |
ExpenseAPI | pytest, faker, sqlalchemy, myapp, fastapi_login, alembic, dotenv |
FAAS | flask |
Fast-API-Starter | shared, urls |
Fast-Project | redis, conn, cassandra, apis, pymysql, logzero, models, utils, middlewares |
FastAPI-Auth | bcrypt, lib, routes, yaml, jwt, MySQLdb |
FastAPI-CRUD | databases, sqlalchemy, post, config |
FastAPI-Demo | requests |
FastAPI-Example | botocore, aiobotocore, dotenv, s3_events, boto3, utils |
FastAPI-Learning-Example | main, main_b, jwt, routers, sqlalchemy, database, passlib |
FastAPI-React-PostgreSQL_Full-Stack | db, setuptools, logs, passlib, utils, sqlalchemy, conf, routes, auth, jwt |
FastAPITutorial | invoke, config |
FastAPI_Tortoise_template | celery, jwt, tortoise, template, passlib, emails |
FastAPI_Vue | pymongo, apps |
FastAPI_app1 | spacy |
FastAPI_proto | controllers, urls, sqlalchemy, db, models |
FastAdmin | passlib, loguru, sqlalchemy, myapp, jose, alembic |
Fastapi | router_app, sqlalchemy |
FastapiLearn | part4, part11, part7, part8, part15, part2, part10, application, part14, part12, part9, part13, part3, part16, part1, part5, part6 |
Fusion-Vision | wandb, pytest, sklearn, requests, tqdm, torch, text_classification |
GraphQLAPI | graphene, cryptacular, pytest, graphene_sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy |
Gringotts | werkzeug, requests, flask_restplus, typing_extensions, apis, flask_cors, libs, flask, routers, models |
HjwzwApi | backend, requests, aiohttp, asyncpg, loguru, sqlalchemy, myapp, alembic, databases, bs4 |
Image-Diff-back | imutils, skimage, imageDiff, cv2 |
Item-Xref | psycopg2 |
KOARCH | classes, emotion_recognition_master, pydash, sklearn, requests, tweepy, scipy, kafka, yaml, psycopg2, emotion_predictor, avro, keras |
Logging-Service | kombu, setuptools, pymongo, redis, sentry_asgi, sentry_sdk, pymlconf, socketio, src |
MLServer | orjson, grpc, click, pytest, mlserver, google, setuptools |
MallAPI | alembic, loguru, sqlalchemy, extensions, setting, myapp, api, utils |
MealCare | pony, passlib, config, tests, sqlalchemy, psycopg2, jwt |
MetodoClasificacionTexto | gensim, nltk, spacy, src, pandas |
MyChild | passlib, asyncpg, tortoise, sqlalchemy, alembic, databases, jwt |
MyNotes | serial, werkzeug, flask_sqlalchemy, flask_httpauth, sqlalchemy, wtforms, pytz, webapp, flask, itsdangerous |
NIMSPARQL | elasticapm, sqlalchemy, elasticsearch, db, api |
NT118 | request, kombu, common, elasticsearch, geopy, requests, injector, pymongo, redis, consul, boltons, cachetools, controller, elasticsearch_dsl, sqlalchemy, service, pytz, response |
News-Summarizer | scipy, sentence_transformers, flask, sklearn, torch, requests, transformers, pyLDAvis, bs4 |
Notification-Service | kombu, setuptools, pymongo, redis, sentry_asgi, sentry_sdk, pymlconf, socketio, src |
Pycharm | urllib3, flask_restful, flask, src, pandas, google |
Python-example | netmiko, static_files, requests, basedb, sqlalchemy, ansible, zabbix_info |
Python3Test | requests, redis, openpyxl, sqlhelper, pymssql, md5_helper, flask, helpers, bs4 |
PythonFastApi | win32service, win32event, servicemanager, win32serviceutil, yaml |
RemoteVP-Npc | win32serviceutil, serial, requests, apps, pythoncom, cores, helper, ping3, bases, hbmqtt, conf, Crypto, wmi |
RestFramework | django, streamapp, rest_framework, other_app, jwt, senddata, my_app, passlib |
SOA | prometheus_client, sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy_utils, database |
Semester-Stats | playhouse, faker, setuptools, peewee, mailmerge, docx |
Service-Template | kombu, setuptools, pymongo, redis, sentry_asgi, sentry_sdk, pymlconf, socketio, src |
SpotifyAPI | spotipy, dotenv, src |
StanleyIpkiss | tests, sibase |
Studium-ds | retrieve_definition, gauge_plot, requests, calendar_heatmap, inflect |
TT_COVID19_API_site_and_emailer | email_validator, requests, config, emailer |
TaskXenter | celery, sentry_sdk, loguru, databases, jwt, tortoise, passlib, httpx |
Telegram-BusBot-DataManager | pymongo, motor, busbot_data_manager |
WAM_server_API_template | flask_app, celery, flask, pytest, worker, sphinx_rtd_theme |
WEB | request, kombu, common, elasticsearch, geopy, requests, injector, pymongo, redis, consul, boltons, cachetools, controller, elasticsearch_dsl, sqlalchemy, service, pytz, response |
WFM | pika, aio_pika, BSSAPI, locust |
WebApp-PhoneClassifier | fastai |
WitnessMe | xmltodict, imgcat, pytest, pyppeteer, jinja2, terminaltables, prompt_toolkit, pkg_resources, aiosqlite, yaml, witnessme |
Words_record | databases, pytest, pymysql, sqlalchemy, requests |
Workspace | tqdm, jupyter_core, setuptools, tornado, crontab, pip, psutil, IPython, git, notebook |
YoutubeBackup | google_auth_oauthlib, zeep, googleapiclient, spyne, google |
Zulu | requests, passlib, pymongo, geojson, tests, zulu, dynaconf, jwt, bson, pytest |
ai-dungeon | errors, test_utils, typing_extensions, pytest, models, api, dungeon |
aioprometheus | setuptools, aiohttp, alabaster, quart, psutil, asynctest, sphinx, aioprometheus, quantile, prometheus_metrics_proto |
aita | pytest, requests, tqdm, aiohttp, asyncpg, aita, loguru, orm, typer, sqlalchemy, databases, praw |
alda-online | models, alda |
alg_interface_fastapi_project | system_file, pymysql, sqlalchemy, data_model |
alice-yamaha-skill | exceptions, auth, yaml, capabilities, routers, rxv, config, httpx |
allay-ds | wandb, spacy, sklearn, requests, scrapy, process_data, fastapi_app, tensorflow, numpy, indeed, en_core_web_sm, dotenv |
allure_reporter | jinja2, requests, allure_reporter, loguru, aiofiles, async_generator, pytest |
andrewhou-zonar | main, requests, util |
apex-tracker | routers, requests, config |
api | pyazo_api, alembic, dotenv, jwt, sqlalchemy, passlib |
api-ocr | tesserocr, PIL, cv2, modules |
api-poc | sklearn |
api.authentication | api_authentication |
api_works | PIL, requests |
apiestas | crawling, scrapy, fuzzywuzzy, loguru, slugify, api, js2xml, dateparser, typer, twisted, pytz, motor |
apitoolbox | pytest, setuptools, passlib, sqlalchemy_filters, tests, sqlalchemy, ordered_uuid, tzlocal, pytz, jwt, apitoolbox, itsdangerous |
arcas | graphene, snapshottest |
asgi-server-timing-middleware | yappi, asgi_server_timing, setuptools |
asu-schedule | aiohttp, src, validators, bs4 |
async_django_session | setuptools, aiohttp, asyncpg, async_django_session, cfg, django, databases |
authal-poc | authal, asynctest, pytest, bson, requests, tests, httpx |
auto_populate | psycopg2, getter |
autoloadtest | locust, hypothesis |
automagic_hashtag | utils, google |
b0mb3r | setuptools, sentry_sdk, loguru, pkg_resources, b0mb3r, phonenumbers, click, httpx |
b2blue-challenge | pydantic_sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy |
b3ta | setuptools, sentry_sdk, loguru, pkg_resources, service, b0mb3r, phonenumbers, click, httpx |
backend | asynctest, transliterate |
backend-skeleton | pytest, requests, typing_extensions, sqlalchemy_utils, tests, sqlalchemy, myapp, alembic, tenacity |
balikobot_tmp_2 | logger_wrapper, databases, schemas, sqlalchemy, conf, routers, sql_factory |
base-fastapi-postgresql | alembic, arq, sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy_utils, gino |
basic-python-postgis-docker | alembic, tenacity, sqlalchemy, myapp |
bc_rates | bc |
belajar-fastapi | yfinance, sqlalchemy, models, config, tutorial, database |
bench-rest-api-frameworks | sanic, locust, aiohttp, tornado, api, main, core |
biomedical-computing-project-backend | extra, xlrd, CoronaAnalysis |
blog | blog, loguru, jwt, sqlalchemy |
blog-posts | pytest, sqlalchemy, jose, passlib |
bluesky | pytest, passlib, aiohttp, decouple, sqlalchemy_utils, sqlalchemy, myapp, alembic, jwt |
boilerplate | utils, config |
book-graphics | alembic, sentry_sdk, asyncpg, loguru, sqlalchemy, gino |
bplustogether | dynaconf, databases, loguru, sqlalchemy, bpapi |
bracket_install | six, flask, requests, colorama |
bread-app | pyArango, pytest, jwt, routers, api, tests, passlib |
bridgeapp | click, orjson, bridgeapp, click_log, pytest, zmq |
budget-blocks-ds | DB, geopy, transactionhist, mainhelp, census, main, psycopg2, dotenv, routers |
bullshit-website | corporate_bullshit |
burriking | infrastructure, dependency_injector, werkzeug, requests, pymongo, freezegun, tests, config, main, user_interface, application, database, flask, bson, pytest, flasgger, domain |
bw3_attempt | dotenv, sklearn, requests, joblib |
c4p2n | c4p2n, fastapi_security_typeform, notion, ppm_telegram_bot_client |
cah-v2 | graphene, schema, graphene_sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy, models, config, schema_blackcards, database, schema_whitecards |
calculator | pymongo, calculator, requests, dbsetup |
canvote | jinja2, requests, passlib, sqlalchemy_pagination, humps, sqlalchemy, myapp, pytz, alembic, secure, jwt |
cashflow | pytest, config |
ccrbackend | six, dotenv, dynamorm, mangum, src, jose, marshmallow |
challenge | iris_classifier, sklearn |
chapushillo | pusher, dotenv, pusher_client |
checkmarx | scanner, checkmarx, pytest, pyzbar, setuptools |
chinook_fastapi | dotenv, setuptools, chinook_fastapi |
cloudrun-fastapi | pytest, actions, passlib, sqlalchemy_utils, config, tests, main, sqlalchemy, myapp, database, google, alembic, schemas, jwt, routers, gunicorn_config, models |
cnapp-fastapi | sanic, daiquiri, jinja2, prometheus_client, cnapps, starlette_prometheus |
code_example_fastapi | tortoise, src, envparse, fastapi_users |
codewars-watchdog | git |
coding-challenges | password_generator, tqdm, jsbeautifier, dateutil, matplotlib, flask_api, word_square_check, flask |
concurrency | PIL, setuptools, redis, dataclasses_json, src, asgiref, click |
contact-form | dotenv, controllers, urls, settings, utils, request_body |
cookiecutter-python | typer |
cookiecutter-simcore-py-fastapi | cryptography, pytest, servicelib, setuptools, simcore_service_catalog, aiohttp, pkg_resources, attr, ptvsd, aiopg, sqlalchemy, tenacity, yarl, httpx |
coronavirus-tg-api | aiohttp, invoke, asyncmock, dateparser, async_asgi_testclient, async_generator, dotenv, pytest, bs4 |
coursera-ibm-ai-workflow-submission | loguru, sklearn, pytest, joblib |
coursework | dotenv, databases, motor |
covid-19-Chile | orator, dotenv, routes, pendulum, covid_19_chile, config, database |
covid-19-dashboard-api | sortedcontainers, dotenv, jwt, pycountry, requests, google, passlib |
covid19-id | selenium, requests |
covidfaq | pytest, spacy, sklearn, tqdm, requests, covidfaq, selenium, bert_reranker, structlog, spacy_langdetect, yaml, html2text, boto3, torch, transformers, bs4 |
covidsage | spacy, data_loader, requests, backends, nlu_client, numpy, matplotlib, plotter, rasa, rasa_sdk, pymysql, discourse |
cpython3-fastapi | blog, admin |
custom-actions-app-python | pytest, requests, custom_actions |
daftacademy-python-levelup | main, pytest |
daiei-backend | fastapi_server, dotenv, models, utils, dateutil, settings |
daizu-online-judge-backend | psycopg2, infrastructure, marshmallow_dataclass, interface, marshmallow, domain |
dask-remote | distributed, typing_extensions, pytest, requests, dask_remote, setuptools |
datarepo | bcrypt, dotenv, fastapi_sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy |
debitcard | debitcard |
debts | pytest, locust, factory, passlib, sentry_asgi, sentry_sdk, contextvars_executor, server, context_logging, sqlalchemy, alembic, jwt |
decentralized-news-publishing | ariadne |
demo-dms | urllib3, typer, pytest, minio, backend |
deploy | main |
devops-assignment | asynctest, pytest, service, pulp |
devs-conn-api | github, pytest, sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy_utils, data, twitter, tests |
dfstore | requests, src, tests, feather |
dig-bioindex | requests, colorama, orjson, lib, enlighten, sqlalchemy, dotenv, boto3, click |
django-fastapi-example | django, api |
docker-fastapi-demo | alembic, loguru, databases, core, sqlalchemy, service, myapp, api |
docker-workshop | scipy, PIL, dash, flask, inference, sklearn, requests, numpy, joblib, flask_caching |
downloads_statistics | redis, main, seeds, controllers, DownloadSeeder, requests, models, config, utils, DownloadsController |
dreamcatcher | pytest, passlib, sqlalchemy, myapp, jose, alembic, celery, tenacity, raven, emails |
duke | duke, PIL, pytest |
eXchangeAPI-PY | pymongo, dynaconf, exchangeapi, motor |
educator_api | pony, requests, passlib, loguru, api, settings, schemas, core, models, util |
effortless_fast_api | requests, passlib, invoke, config, utils, main, sqlalchemy, schemas, jwt, models, services, pytest |
embl_python_software_engineer_test | sqlalchemy, requests |
eml_analyzer | async_timeout, pytest, eml_parser, compressed_rtf, arrow, compoundfiles, olefile, loguru, fastapi_utils, tests, dateparser, asynctest, magic, aiospamc, ioc_finder, respx, httpx |
entroprise-api | simpletransformers, service, models, api |
eu-taxation-customs-api | main, zeep, requests |
events-api | pytz, xmltodict, pytest, sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy_utils, apscheduler, data, requests, tests |
example-fastapi-sqlachemy-pytest | example, pytest, sqlalchemy |
excerpt-formatter | text_formatter, slack_manager, requests, models |
fake-news-game | databases |
fantasy-fencing | colorlog, selenium, click, scrape, requests, logs, bs4 |
fapi | api, sqlalchemy, myapp, alembic, fastapi_sqlalchemy, core, models, click |
fast | routers, user |
fast-api-asyncdb | dotenv, databases, sqlalchemy, settings, fastapi_users |
fast-api-boilerplate | alembic, dotenv, fastapi_sqlalchemy, core, sqlalchemy, myapp |
fast-api-rest | config, bjoern |
fast-api-sql-template | pytest, googletrans, requests, passlib, sqlalchemy_utils, sqlalchemy, alembic, jwt, emails |
fast-elm | bcrypt, fmmodel, requests, fmsecurity, passlib, fmdb, slugify, fmcrud, fmapi, databases, motor, jwt, fmtoken, bson |
fastAPI-be | alembic, dotenv, sqlalchemy, models, api, config, myapp, crud |
fastApi | my_super_project, graphene, projetStage, sqlalchemy |
fastApiSelf | pytest, rr, sqlalchemy, websocket, fackApi, app1 |
fastApiSimple | pymongo, geoip2, motor, server |
fastAppAppointment | main, controller, databases, sqlalchemy, db, service |
fast_api | app_utils, bcrypt, schemas, jwt, sqlalchemy, models, database, crud |
fast_api_camelcase_example | humps, models |
fast_api_self_study | bcrypt, jwt, sqlalchemy, sql_app |
fastaaps | pymongo, celery, motor |
fastai-bite | PIL, graphene, my_utils, fastai2, cv2, httpx |
fastapi-GraphQL-full-stack-docker-github-actions-graphene-test-client-template | graphene, pytest, sqlalchemy, graphql, snapshottest |
fastapi-GraphQL-full-stack-docker-travisci-starlette-test-client-template | graphene, pytest |
fastapi-admin | colorama, passlib, fastapi_admin, prompt_toolkit, tortoise, module, xlsxwriter, jwt |
fastapi-auth | argon2, bcrypt, pytest, requests, typing_extensions, fastapi_auth, tests, sqlalchemy, jwt |
fastapi-backend | bcrypt, pytest, passlib, asyncpg, loguru, slugify, tests, asgi_lifespan, sqlalchemy, docker, alembic, psycopg2, databases, jwt, httpx |
fastapi-boilerplate | alembic, jwt, sqlalchemy, core, myapp |
fastapi-celery | worker, celery |
fastapi-celery-redis-rabbitmq | redis, celery, shopping |
fastapi-cool | kombu, aiosmtplib, tortoise, yaml, settings, celery, jwt, ldap3 |
fastapi-crud | databases, pytest, sqlalchemy, db |
fastapi-crud-sync | pytest, sqlalchemy |
fastapi-demo | rethinkdb, fastapi_demo |
fastapi-discovery | sqlalchemy, fastapi_discovery |
fastapi-docs-cn | graphene, passlib, peewee, couchbase, sqlalchemy, flask, databases, jwt |
fastapi-esf-demo | databases, sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy_utils |
fastapi-etag | pytest, requests, fastapi_etag |
fastapi-exploring | alembic, dotenv, fastapi_sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy, myapp |
fastapi-for-firebase | fastapi_for_firebase, pytest |
fastapi-fullstack | pytest, sqlalchemy, validate_docbr |
fastapi-healthcheck | healthcheck, setuptools |
fastapi-helloworld | nltk, sklearn, modules |
fastapi-hero | dotenv, motor, core, db, bson, models, api |
fastapi-hex-boilerplate | factory, toolz, tests, sqlalchemy, myapp, alembic, dotenv, databases, pytest |
fastapi-jsonrpc | fastapi_jsonrpc, aiojobs, pytest, setuptools |
fastapi-jwt | ms_auth, auth, jwt, passlib |
fastapi-layered-architecture | alembic, pythondi, jwt, sqlalchemy, core, myapp |
fastapi-login | pytest, requests, setuptools, fastapi_login, assertpy |
fastapi-mako | mako, setuptools |
fastapi-mangum-example | mangum |
fastapi-microblog | alembic, core, sqlalchemy, microblog, myapp, user |
fastapi-ml-scaffolding | loguru, pytest, fastapi_scaffolding, joblib |
fastapi-ml-skeleton | loguru, pytest, fastapi_skeleton, joblib |
fastapi-mount | mount_demo |
fastapi-nuxt-blog | PIL, passlib, sqlalchemy_utils, sqlalchemy, myapp, sendgrid, pytz, alembic, jwt, boto3, pytest |
fastapi-permissions | pytest, jwt, fastapi_permissions, passlib |
fastapi-playground | PIL, fastai |
fastapi-plugins | fastapi_plugins, setuptools, aioredis, tenacity, aiojobs, pytest |
fastapi-poc | main, data, models, todo |
fastapi-postgres-aws-lambda | mangum, sqlalchemy |
fastapi-realworld-example-app-mysql | bcrypt, passlib, asyncpg, loguru, aiomysql, tests, asgi_lifespan, docker, psycopg2, databases, jwt, pytest, httpx |
fastapi-route | response, setuptools |
fastapi-satella-metrics | fastapi_satella_metrics, requests, setuptools, satella |
fastapi-scaffold | xuan |
fastapi-simple-cachecontrol | fastapi_simple_cachecontrol, pytest |
fastapi-simple-template | alembic, dotenv, pytest, faker, sqlalchemy, myapp, fastapi_login |
fastapi-snippets | caches, fastapi_plugins, aioredis |
fastapi-sqlalchemy | pytest, setuptools, passlib, sqlalchemy_filters, tests, sqlalchemy, ordered_uuid, tzlocal, pytz, fastapi_sqlalchemy, jwt, itsdangerous |
fastapi-sqlalchemy-example | alembic, itsdangerous, fastapi_sqlalchemy, pytest, fastapi_sqlalchemy_example, sqlalchemy, myapp, click, setuptools |
fastapi-starter-kit | book, pytest, sqlalchemy, db |
fastapi-tdd-docker | pytest, tortoise |
fastapi-template | pytest, setuptools, passlib, sentry_sdk, sqlalchemy_utils, gino, sqlalchemy, jose, alembic, fastapi_template, migrations |
fastapi-test | pytest, pandas |
fastapi-tools | fastapi_tools, prometheus_client, httpx |
fastapi-tortoise | loguru, pytest, tortoise, requests, tests |
fastapi-users | passlib, tortoise, tests, asynctest, asgi_lifespan, sqlalchemy, httpx_oauth, makefun, databases, motor, jwt, fastapi_users, pytest, httpx |
fastapi-utils | pytest, fastapi_utils, tests, sqlalchemy |
fastapi-uvicorn-gunicorn-nginx-supervisor-boilerplate | orjson, motor, core, server, bson, apps, utils |
fastapi-versioning | example, typing_extensions, fastapi_versioning, setuptools |
fastapi-vue-test | PIL, sqlalchemy, myapp, pytz, alembic, boto3 |
fastapi-websockets | api |
fastapi-whisper-rest-api | api |
fastapi_admin | apps, setuptools, passlib, fastapi_admin, sqlalchemy, settings, databases, pymysql, jwt |
fastapi_catchup | intro |
fastapi_douyin | routers, requests, settings, exceptions, spiders |
fastapi_gino | gino_starlette, pytest, gino_fastapi_demo, sqlalchemy, myapp, aioredis, alembic, poetry, urllib2 |
fastapi_microblog | alembic, databases, core, sqlalchemy, microblog, myapp, user, passlib, fastapi_users |
fastapi_mock | apis, yaml, common |
fastapi_model | loguru, joblib |
fastapi_playground | pony, db |
fastapi_preset | setuptools |
fastapi_router | fastapi_router, trimport, setuptools |
fastapi_serviceutils | pytest, requests, setuptools, toolz, loguru, fastapi_serviceutils, yaml, cookiecutter, sqlalchemy, databases |
fastapi_serviceutils_template | fastapi_serviceutils |
fastapi_stu | aliyunsdkcore, jwt, sqlalchemy, passlib |
fastapi_template | pymongo, redis, jwt, minio, project |
fastapi_todo_hex | factory, toolz, pytest_factoryboy, tests, sqlalchemy, myapp, alembic, dotenv, databases, pytest, todolist |
fastbroker | pkg_resources, ujson, fastbroker, jsonschema, setuptools |
fastrf | asgi_lifespan, pytest, fastrf, httpx |
fbd-backend | redis, pytest_mock, celery, loguru, ujson, pytest, tests |
finance-api | finance_api, dynaconf, pytest, requests |
first_fastapi | routes, ext, schemas, sqlalchemy, rules, models |
firstderm_demo | requests |
foreign-subs | fsubs, setuptools, pymongo, typer, jwt, bson |
frontapp | decorator, frontapp, requests, envparse, attr |
fullasync | celery, tasks, core, api |
fullstack-fastapi-elasticsearch | core, elasticsearch, db, models, api |
fuzzy-octo-funicular | main |
gaia-fastapi-demo | email_validator, passlib, pymongo, sentry_sdk, motor, jwt, bson, emails |
gaki-server | alembic, jwt, sqlalchemy, myapp, passlib |
galicea-odoo-addons-ecosystem | cryptography, werkzeug, jwcrypto, odoo, git |
game | basegame |
gateway-microservice | aiohttp, v1 |
gerenciador-tarefas | gerenciador_tarefas |
gfw-tile-cache | gino_starlette, mercantile, pytest, pendulum, async_lru, requests, shapely, cachetools, sqlalchemy, aenum |
gifter_api | pytest, jwt, sqlalchemy, tests, passlib |
gigscovery_backend | functions, sklearn, bandsintown, spotipy |
gino-admin | sanic, pytest, click, jinja2, db, requests, passlib, expiring_dict, gino_admin, asyncpg, dsnparse, sqlalchemy_utils, gino, urllib3, aiofiles, yaml, sqlalchemy, sanic_jwt, sanic_jinja2 |
gino-starlette | requests, gino_fastapi_demo, asyncpg, gino, urllib3, importlib_metadata, sqlalchemy, alembic, pytest, click |
girandole | beets, plugin, girandole, yaml |
girias.json | tinydb |
gitea-dispatcher | httpx |
gke-cicd-sandbox | exampleapp, pytest |
glittr-fastapi | glittr, sqlalchemy |
graph-server | pychunkedgraph, numpy |
graphql-python-server | env, gql, dotenv, schemas, ariadne, models, database, arango |
graphql-tutorial | schema, graphene |
grocery-stores-home-delivery | db, app_factory, setuptools, crud, api, typer, sqlalchemy, myapp, alembic, constans, schemas, core, models |
guid_tracker | alembic, databases, aiocache, guid, pytest, sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy_utils, myapp |
hackaton-berlin-legal-tech-2020 | pytest, sklearn, joblib, nltk, loguru, cleaner, config, fastapi_skeleton, bs4 |
hello-world-fastapi | fastapp, setuptools, rich |
henry | infrastructure, interface, sqlalchemy |
heroku-google-translate-api | googletrans |
hh_parser | passlib, aiohttp, tortoise, template, celery, jwt, emails |
home_recruiters | users, pendulum, passlib, jobs, tortoise, typer, usernames, jwt, core, confusable_homoglyphs, username |
http-battle | flask_restful, flask, python_flask |
hvilkenfisk | imutils, fish_utils, sklearn, h5py, cv2, keras, img_preprocess, model_utils |
iam_working | iam_working |
iem-web-services | setuptools, pyiem, shapely, metpy, pytz, pygrib, pyproj, pandas, geopandas, pytest |
ihan-productizer-example | aiohttp, ujson, settings_local, settings |
image_capabilities_backend | PIL, cv2 |
image_classifier_backend | PIL, cv2 |
image_detector_backend | PIL, torch, utils, torchvision, pycocotools, models, cv2 |
img-filter-api | aiohttp, cv2, api, requests, pytest |
ingaia_app | pytest, sqlalchemy, resources, requests, config, spotipy, domain |
innovativeproject-photographers-portfolio | fastapi_mail, jwt, sqlalchemy, src, database, passlib |
inpainting_backen | tinydb |
introduction-to-async-await | unsync, unsyncable, colorama |
iter8-analytics | analytics_namespace, requests, flask_restplus, setuptools, experiment_namespace, yaml, jsonschema, iter8_analytics, django, flask, requests_mock |
jjs | bcrypt, pytest, api_models, pymongo, db_models, routes, auth, db_connect |
jobsearch_statistics | certifi, searchstatistics, elasticsearch |
json-fastapi | json_fastapi, tinydb, slugify, link_header, util |
juice-box | tests |
jupyter_fastapi | jupyter_server, tornado, hypothesis, pytest, jupyter_fastapi, hypothesis_jsonschema, setuptools |
k8s-traefik-example | flask |
kartu-beckend | PIL, config, yaml, autocrop, routes, motor, bson, cv2 |
koalachat | koalachat, aiofiles |
koalastream | aiofiles, koalastream |
kritika | alembic, sitri, slugify, sqlalchemy, myapp, kritika |
kubeflow-containers-desktop | tqdm, jupyter_core, setuptools, tornado, crontab, pip, psutil, IPython, git, notebook |
kubernetes-experiments | redis, alembic, sqlalchemy, myapp, passlib |
kuma | bcrypt, docstring_parser, passlib, orjson, loguru, sqlalchemy, myapp, jupyter_client, alembic, databases, jwt, nbformat |
kvmail | tarantool, dotenv, settings |
lab_monitor | pymongo, requests, schedule, client |
lagom | sybil, pytest, lagom, typing_extensions, tests, django, flask |
lang-python | submod2, worker_a, etcd3, rabbit, worker_b, optmod1, psutil, mongoengine, pika, test_pb2, grpc, google, optmod2, submod1, celery, flask, models, pytest |
league-manager | jwt, src, environs, passlib |
learn-kubernetes | flask, flask_restful |
lgbsttracker_api | lgbsttracker, lgbsttracker_api |
lightgbm-project-demo | psycopg2, sklearn, src, tests, ray |
linkalong-pre-inteview-task | decouple, linkalong |
love-alarm | pymongo, redis, nexmo, jwt, boto3, bson, passlib |
maale-map-bot | pyngrok, dotenv, discord, bots, viberbot, models, settings, fuzzywuzzy, telegram |
manageme-api | mangum, today_app, setuptools |
mangum-fastapi-aws-test | mangum |
mars-rover | models, views |
memefly-ds | wandb, memefly, requests, pymongo, decouple, api, tensorflow, dotenv, boto3, click |
metabot | metabot, requests, fastapi_metabot, setuptools, aiohttp, pymongo, help, typing_extensions, feedback, aioredis, vacations, slackers, motor, mockaioredis, bson, slack, pytest, httpx |
micro-data-lake | sklearn, newspaper, altair, airflow, sqlalchemy, IPython, minio, setproctitle |
microservices | requests |
mironov_blog_pwa | alembic, dotenv, sqlalchemy, myapp, apps |
ml-project-template | psycopg2, src, tests, ray |
ml-workspace | jupyter_core, tqdm, setuptools, tornado, crontab, pip, psutil, IPython, git, notebook |
modelo-fast-api | pytest, gerenciador_tarefas |
moneyTransfer | faker, db, app_factory, passlib, apis, config, utils, main, sqlalchemy, auth, schemas, jwt, pytest |
mongodb_admin | trafaret_config, envparse, pymongo, base, motor, jwt, bson |
mri_image_reconstruction | utils, config |
msys2-web | pytest, pgpdump, jinja2, fastapi_etag, respx, httpx |
musixfy_service | requests, Cryptodome |
mv-backend | cassandra, requests, passlib, redis, fnc, global_config, sqlalchemy, jwt, greenstalk |
mvp-metric | databases, sqlalchemy, dateutil |
mvs_eland_api | celery, pytest, worker, mvs_eland_tool, sphinx_rtd_theme |
my-notes-app | databases, pytest, jwt, sqlalchemy, passlib |
mychef | spacy, requests, scrapy, tqdm, aiohttp, asyncpg, loguru, orm, reddit, scraper, sqlalchemy, databases, praw, pytest, jsonlines, bs4 |
nasa_neo | repo, requests |
nereid | nereid, pytest, redis, typing_extensions, numpy, matplotlib, scipy, yaml, pint, celery, pandas |
ners | utils, config |
netpalm | xmltodict, rq, netmiko, pytest, jinja2, backend, netpalm_pinned_worker, requests, jinja2schema, redis, lxml, tests, jsonschema, ncclient, routers, napalm |
next-word-sentence-pred-api | tree, sqlalchemy, models, database |
nile-api | alembic, bcrypt, databases, jwt, sqlalchemy, api |
nlp_api | nltk, decouple, spacy, utils |
nmdc-server | pytest, faker, factory, requests, setuptools, pkg_resources, sqlalchemy, alembic, nmdc_server |
nomine | graphql_sqlalchemy, ariadne, sqlalchemy, nomine, graphql |
nurse-schedule | spital_routes, mongoengine, nurse_routes, jwt, models, utils, passlib |
oasis | users, bcrypt, pytest, stories, requests, mysql, flask_cors, sqlalchemy, myapp, sigfig, database, jenkspy, alembic, flask, auth, jwt, router, emails |
ocfapi | ocflib |
oreMeet | ics, worker |
owi_Result-Collector | sqlalchemy, tests |
page-visitor-counter | redis |
paste.bin | pymongo, redis, gridfs, bson |
PIL, PyPDF4 | |
perfume-ai | PIL, torchvision, predict, cv2, torch |
persistent-identifier-service | ompid, yaml, sqlalchemy |
personal-learning | pyimagesearch, sklearn, calculator, cv2, keras |
pi-camera-hardware-server | loguru, picamera, requests, src |
piccolo_api | setuptools, asyncpg, test_session, piccolo, livereload, jwt, piccolo_api, asgiref |
plarin_task | pymongo, main, employees, pytest, faker, bson, settings | | main |
plotly-graphene | pymongo, mutation, graphene, schema, minio, loompy, bson, query, minio_client |
pneumoniadetection | kaggle, PIL, classifier, keras |
pol | pytest, requests, aioresponses, etc, orjson, aiohttp, redis, sentry_sdk, tests, sqlalchemy, myapp, aioredis, pytz, alembic, databases, aiologger |
policies-notifications | pytest, jinja2, aiokafka, aiohttp, asyncpg, prometheus_client, apscheduler, gino, tests, sqlalchemy, myapp, starlette_prometheus, alembic |
poll-app | pymongo, dotenv, selenium, pytest, flask_testing, tests, config |
ppm-telegram-bot | pip, aiogram, fastapi_security_telegram_webhook, ppm_telegram_bot |
ppr | pytest, endpoints, requests, setuptools, sentry_sdk, freezegun, config, main, repository, sqlalchemy, myapp, datedelta, pytz, alembic, dotenv, schemas, models |
practical-python | redis, celery_with_fastapi, celery |
programs | deta, jinja2, colors, svgs, passlib |
projects | sklearn, lrsgd, utils, numpy, matplotlib, nose, models_partc, src, phonenumbers |
property-prediction | botocore, psycopg2, pytest, catboost, sklearn, hello_world, boto3, requests |
proxmox-slack-bot | slack_model, requests, slack |
proxy-checker | aiohttp, main, checker, aiosocks |
py-cidemia-security | werkzeug, requests, setuptools, passlib, yaml, cidemiasecurity, jwt |
pyBets | error_messages, db_models, views, sqlalchemy, application, database, app_logging, models, services, pytest |
pyapi | apis |
pycon2020-FastAPI | schemas, sqlalchemy, models, api, database |
pyctuator | werkzeug, multidict, requests, aiohttp, redis, tests, psutil, pyctuator, sqlalchemy, flask, pytest |
pydantic-ddd-exploration | sqlalchemy, src |
pyml | PIL, pytest, setuptools, gevent, h5py, tests, numpy, dateutil, matplotlib, scipy, mock, connexion, yaml, google, jsonpickle, flask, ml, asgiref |
pypis | packaging, setuptools, asyncpg, loguru, pkg_resources, sqlalchemy, stdlib_list, dynaconf, pypis, httpx |
python | requests, requests_html, unidecode, lxml, openpyxl, send_mail, download_util, formatting, settings, templates, flask |
python-api-template | pytest |
python-asyncio-crud | sanic, six, uvloop, muggle_ocr, redis, flask_sqlalchemy, aiomysql, sqlalchemy, aioredis, flask |
python-crash-course | tinydb, schema, pandas, requests |
python-deployment-samples | aiohttp, webtest, django, pyramidsite, flask, pyramid, flask_cors, my_app, setuptools, other_app |
python-fastapi-hex-todo | pytest, faker, factory, passlib, toolz, asyncpg, pytest_factoryboy, tests, sqlalchemy, myapp, alembic, dotenv, databases, jwt, todolist |
python-graphql | graphene, aiohttp, loguru, ujson, psutil, graphql |
python-ml-service-template | yaml, joblib, starlette_prometheus |
python-playground | flask_restful, flask, sqlalchemy |
python-poetry-docker-example | pytest |
python-private-service-layout | fire, loguru, prometheus_client, pytest, vault_client, info, clients, tests, setuptools |
python_benchmark | fastapi_frm, locust, sqlalchemy, tortoise, falcon, gino, falcon_frm |
python_common_tools | requests, setuptools, redis, python_common_tools, paramiko, stackprinter, DBUtils, pymysql |
python_fastapi | jwt, passlib |
qa-api | elasticapm, controller, haystack, config |
qhub-home | toml, flit, setuptools |
qr-generator | qrcode |
rakm | pytest, requests, aiohttp, asyncache, invoke, asyncmock, tests, dateutil, cachetools, async_asgi_testclient, async_generator, dotenv |
random_projects | flask_restful, graphene, extraction, selenium, flask, flask_graphql, schema, sqlalchemy, requests |
recommender_fastapi | repository, pybreaker, helper, sqlalchemy, default_ad_listener, requests, web, defaults |
recommender_server | repository, pybreaker, helper, sqlalchemy, default_ad_listener, requests, web, defaults |
ref-final-project-backend | faust, kafka, msgpack, settings, utils |
repost-fastapi | dotenv, jwt, sqlalchemy, repost, passlib |
responsive-layout-part | PIL |
rest_api_docker_mongo_aws | pymongo, six, bottle_resource, beartype, bottle, spacy, passlib |
restbot | restbot, loguru, pytest, joblib |
reternal-backend | pymongo, redis, flask_restful, flask_jwt_extended, sigma, workers, mongoengine, yaml, environment, database, pytz, flask_socketio, celery, flask, jwt, bson |
reverse-geocoder | databases, sqlalchemy, geoalchemy2 |
rjgtoys-xc | pytest, jinja2, requests, rjgtoys, apierrors, sphinx, sphinx_autodoc_typehints |
rn-fastapi-app | sample, psycopg2, fastapi_login, MySQLdb, sqlalchemy, fastalchemy, passlib |
runn | requests, passlib, tests, utils, sqlalchemy, jwt, logzero, pytest, emails |
sauti-fastapi | dotenv, pstgres, sqlalchemy |
sauti-monitor-ds-api | dotenv, sqlalchemy |
scaling-spoon | email_validator, pony, bcrypt, pytest, extensions, passlib, pymongo, selenium, blinker, main, async_asgi_testclient, dotenv, motor, schemas, routers, bson, models |
sensehat-fastapi | sense_hat, senseapi |
server-open-alpr | openalpr, loguru, src |
serverless-fastapi-cdk | mangum, resources, src, aws_cdk |
show-tell-api | nltk, PIL, TensorBoardCaption, NIC, evaluate, flask, jwt, preprocessing, keras, utils |
signal-cli-rest-api | pyqrcode, requests, signal_cli_rest_api |
simple-kp | aiosqlite, pytest, simple_kp, reasoner_pydantic, data, setuptools |
simple-messenger | server |
simple-report-data-table-vuetify | bcrypt, dotenv, mongoengine, jwt, pypandoc, bson, casbin, passlib |
simpleapp-aws-fargate | controllers, databases, sqlalchemy, boto3, data, config, services, settings, requests |
siso-library | databases, sqlalchemy |
sklearn-docker-api | sklearn, service, joblib |
slowapi | limits, redis, slowapi, tests, hiro, mock |
smart-social-distancing | openvino, tflite_runtime, invoke, ui, tools, wget, scipy, libs |
sms_gateway | passlib, aiohttp, sentry_sdk, aiopg, sqlalchemy, myapp, grpc, google, alembic, psycopg2, jwt, click, grpclib |
social-insights | sklearn, requests, joblib, nltk, tweepy, numpy, firebase_admin, twitter_credentials, scipy, spellchecker, get_tweets, google, flask, keras, xgboost, suggest |
sociallyhigh | pkg_resources, sociallyhigh |
sparky | sparky, config |
speechRecognition_api | librosa, sklearn, aukit, aip, Django_jianlong, videototextapp, videoaddsubtitleapp, myapp, IPython, my_app, other_app, djcelery, django, celery, video2audio_noiseReduction, keras |
start-fastapi | model, middleware, controller, service, application, dotenv |
startapp | extensions, marshmallow, setuptools, passlib, flask_env, flask_jwt_extended, sentry_sdk, flask_sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy_utils, gino, sqlalchemy, flask_marshmallow, takeaway, settings, flask_migrate, starlette_prometheus, flask, app_init, core |
statsfy | spotifier |
stock-tracker | pymongo, aiohttp, dotenv, pytest, jwt, server, requests, passlib |
stores | stores, pytest, api, util |
storyboard_renderer | render_job, layouts, bridge, statics, layout_bridge, utils |
summaries | nltk, newspaper, pytest, tortoise |
summarize-api | nltk, newspaper, pytest, tortoise |
surfacescan | networkx, pytest, faker, atomiclong, locust, surfacescan, pkg_resources, tests |
sweetHome | serial, lib |
sync_async_compare | blog, faker, marshmallow, flask_sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy_utils, flask_apispec, commands, sqlalchemy, myapp, resources, settings, flask_migrate, alembic, dotenv, flask, databases, pytest |
takeAction-Backend | ml_controller, googlesearch, sklearn, getURL, bs4, keras, utils, numpy |
tariffengineapi | memory_profiler, redis, numba, tariffs_modules, tests, api_fastapi, memory |
task_manager | passlib, gino, sqlalchemy, myapp, alembic, jwt |
taskriptor-web | alembic, sqlalchemy, myapp |
tdd-fastapi-template | fastapi_tdd_docker, pytest, tortoise |
teached | pytest, pendulum, requests, passlib, loguru, tortoise, teached, typer, importlib_metadata, nox, usernames, dropbox, jwt, confusable_homoglyphs, username |
techsoulai_backend | pytest, jamspell, jwt, sqlalchemy, pymystem3, passlib |
temperature-web | board, dotenv, adafruit_dht, boto3, requests |
test_fastapi | PIL, magic, fastapi_versioning, autocrop, cv2, requests, google |
test_shop | requests, passlib, peewee, user_orders, my_app, other_app, django, yoyo, catalog, auth, jwt, pytest, peewee_async, tastypie |
testfastapi | tortoise, boto3 |
todo-list-fastapi | aiofiles, pytest, jwt, sqlalchemy, src, passlib |
todoapp | alembic, jwt, sqlalchemy, myapp, passlib |
trainee_mi | pymongo |
transactions_api | pytest, sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy_utils, database |
transformers | aitextgen |
translator | translator, schemas, api, httpx |
try-fast-api | dotenv |
users-service | werkzeug, pytest, oauth2client, sqlalchemy_utils, api, config, main, repository, humps, sqlalchemy, myapp, alembic, jwt, routers, authlib, services |
uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi | test_utils, docker, requests, pytest |
vollmacht | fitz |
volunteer-database | alembic, pytest, jwt, sqlalchemy, myapp, passlib |
wamedex2 | pytest, pyserini, hnswlib, pkg_resources, helper, freezegun, dateparser |
wazo-router-calld | wazo_router_calld, consul, click, sqlalchemy, setuptools |
web-api | exceptions, yaml, auth, jwt, routers, models, data |
web-avatarify | PIL, afy, skimage, moviepy, requests, imageio, tqdm, animate, sync_batchnorm, ffmpeg, torch, matplotlib, scipy, face_alignment, yaml, python_path, cv2, modules |
web-frameworks-benchmark | muffin, sanic, pyramid, falcon, requests, bottle, aiohttp, bobo, quart, hug, japronto, request_bench, my_app, other_app, django, flask, cherrypy, kumquat, freezy |
web_speedtest | flask |
weblink-downloader | passlib, asyncpg, tests, link_downloader, databases, pytest, httpx |
xo_back | pytest, api |
xpublish | xarray, pytest, cachey, xpublish, setuptools, pkg_resources, h5py, netCDF4, numcodecs, dask, zarr |
xraysink | aiohttp, jsonpickle, xraysink, async_asgi_testclient, aws_xray_sdk, requests, pytest |
yappfm-backend | alembic, sqlalchemy, myapp, yappfm, gino |
yatsm | dramatiq, walrus, pytest, pendulum, passlib, apscheduler, typer, assertpy, pytz, jwt, yatsm |
yumemi_intern_API | aiohttp, sqlalchemy, myapp, google, alembic |
zo | PIL, requests, ssdb, setuptools, loguru, urllib3, zo, munch |
Pull requests are welcome.