poclbm copied to clipboard
PyOpenCL bitcoin miner with a GUI frontend
Up to date the new Stratum Protocol on port 3333 Type ( Whitout "HTTP://" ) "stratum+tcp://stratum.bitcoin.cz:3333" in the URL Host Pool. Please, update all URL into the guiminier OSX, and...
If the server list is setup the way it is in december 2012 version I'll probably copy server details from there , but its not listed when I open from...
Hi, im new to the mining scene, and have tried setting up GUIMiner, but when i click start mining i get this error: ValueError: need more than 1 value to...
I am gertting the 'JSON Object Can Be Decoded' error on Guiminer even after deleting the poclbm file. Help!!!
This software saves passwords in clear text, both when settings are saved, and in it's log file. Clearly this is a major security risk. Can you at least provide an...
I'm new to the GUI miner, and am having difficulty. When I try to start I see the error message no json object could be detected. Any hints on what...
I have a space in the path for my data directory C:\Users\First Last\AppData... and I receive and error message when I attempt to "Launch Bitcoin client as server" under solo...
Solo passwords with an at symbol (@) cannot be used because the passwords are blindly passed to poclbm.exe as shown below 2013-05-10 02:58:38: Running command: poclbm.exe guy:P@sssword@localhost:8332 --device=0 --platform=0 --verbose...
It might be a good idea to code sign guiminer.exe and all your .dll / .pyd files so there's a bit more of a guarantee that your application hasn't been...
I've remapped my appdata folder location, and when I try to start guiminner.exe I'm getting the error: No such file or directory: 'C:\Users\{me}\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin\bitcoin.conf' which is no longer where my AppData...