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Change Connection API to be synchronous

Open irar2 opened this issue 7 years ago • 8 comments

The execute query functions will look like this:

   /// Execute a query.
   /// - Parameter query: The query to execute. 
   /// - Returns: An instance of QueryResult representing the result of the query execution.
  func execute(query: Query) -> QueryResult

Transaction related functions will be changed in the same way:

    /// Start a transaction.
    /// - Returns:  An instance of QueryResult representing the result of the execution of start transaction command.
    func startTransaction() -> QueryResult

We can also throw errors instead of returning them inside QueryResult.

ResultFetcher will be synchronous only, i.e.

    /// Fetch the next row of the query result. This function is non-blocking.
    /// - Parameter callback: A callback to call when the next row of the query result is ready.
    func fetchNext(callback: ([Any?]?) ->())

will be removed.

irar2 avatar Mar 02 '17 11:03 irar2

@shmuelk mentioned you were thinking about making Kuery functions throw instead of returning QueryResult.error(). IMO, that would be better. (I just saw that you also mentioned this a possibility above)

Also, if we were to do that, I think it would be worth considering moving rows and titles from ResultSet into QueryResult as optionals and removing ResultSet entirely. Then QueryResult could be as simple as:

public class QueryResult {
    private let resultFetcher: ResultFetcher?

    // number of rows affected by a INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE or
    // number of rows returned by a SELECT (may be -1 if we fetch the result set iteratively)
    public let affectedRows: Int
    public let columnNames: [String]?
    public let resultSet: RowSequence?
    public lazy var rows: [[String: Any?]]? = {

What do you think?

na-gupta avatar Mar 02 '17 16:03 na-gupta

OK, we can do this.

@shmuelk proposed to use numberOfAffectedRows instead of affectedRows, titles instead of columnNames (because these don't have to be table columns), and rowSequence instead of resultSet.

irar2 avatar Mar 05 '17 09:03 irar2

@irar2 Hello :), Is it possible to know when the synchronous api will be released? Many thanks!

GiacomoLeopizzi avatar Jun 18 '17 14:06 GiacomoLeopizzi

Hi @irar2,

Having the syncronous API will be great! Thank you in advance

acaland avatar Jun 18 '17 18:06 acaland

@irar2 I was reading at the implementation of the MySQL plugin and I didn't find asynchronous call to the database, so actually I was wondering why do you decide to use completion handler instead of simple return and catch ?

ndPPPhz avatar Jun 18 '17 23:06 ndPPPhz

@shmuelk Would be amazing to have a synchronous API

SMartorelli avatar Jun 19 '17 09:06 SMartorelli

This item will be addressed by PR https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Swift-Kuery/pull/152

kilnerm avatar Sep 05 '18 12:09 kilnerm

We no longer plan on addressing this via the changes related to PR #152.

We will however look at providing a utility function to wrap the asynchronous API which will allow synchronous usage of the SwiftKuery API.

kilnerm avatar Nov 14 '18 10:11 kilnerm