Kitura-redis copied to clipboard
Swift Redis library
* Adds AUTH with username support * Adds redis.disconnect()
Performance and memory optimizations for parsing Redis responses.
I am trying to retrieve all keys on Redis but I don't see in the API an option to use SCAN "" nor KEYS *. I assume that KEYS *...
IBM Cloud only gives Databases for Redis TLS and self-signed certificate support All connections to Databases for Redis are TLS 1.2 enabled, so the driver you use to connect need...
ZRANGEBYSCORE does not use key -> illegal cmd. /// Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score. /// /// - Parameter key: The key. /// - Parameter...
As far as I can see after a bit of hunting, there is no function in Kitura-Redis for using the Redis `eval` statement. This would be a nice addition, as...
I'm using the multi command. if let multi = redisDB?.multi() multi.lrange(dataflow.redisQueue, start: 0, end: len) multi.ltrim(dataflow.redisQueue, start: len+1, end: -1) //get len amount and remove atomically. multi.exec({ (response) in Under...
Would there be a way for me to subscribe to a redis channel? As far as I can see in the documentation / source is there is only a one...
Regret to your work. I am new to swift and struggling with the syntax and would appreciate if you provide more code examples. Actually i am missing an example for...
Quick and dirty fork that I needed for a project. Tests are not included. Adds username param to AUTH command. Closes #87