BlueSSLService copied to clipboard unexpectedly returns 0
On a "blocking" client socket, data: inout Data)
sometimes unexpectedly returns 0, even when the remote connection has not closed (Socket.remoteConnectionClosed == false
This only reproduces on macOS.
This only happens using SSL/TLS (BlueSSLService).
Client on macOS (10.14.5), using Swift 5.0.1 (Xcode 10.2.1), BlueSocket 1.0.47, BlueSSLService 1.0.47. (The client software is a Swift database driver for the PostgreSQL database.)
Server is a PostgreSQL database server (PostgreSQL 10.9) running on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
The issue reproduces in multiple client and server environments. The issue reproduces more consistently on "distant" servers (e.g. running on AWS EC2 or Linode) than on "nearby" servers (e.g. on the same LAN as the client).
(I tried to reproduce the problem with the client running against a simple standalone Swift server, but was not able to reproduce the problem that way. So I'm not able to provide code for a standalone reproducible test case.)
The Xcode debugger was used to analyze why
is returning 0.
In SSLService.swift, the function sslReadCallback(...)
is the callback function for SSLRead
. In line 1406, sslReadCallback(...)
invokes the read(...)
system call, which sometimes returns fewer bytes than requested.
(lldb) po bytesRequested
(lldb) po bytesRead
When this occurs, sslReadCallback(...)
returns errSSLWouldBlock
. When control returns to the SSLRead
call site (SSLService.swift, line 687), we see:
(lldb) po status
(lldb) po errSSLWouldBlock
(lldb) po processed
(I suspect processed == 0
because SSLRead
requires its callback to return all requested bytes before SSLRead
decrypts the received message.)
then returns -1 with errno
(line 695).
detects this error and returns 0 (Socket.swift, line 3589).
then returns 0 (line 2772).
Potential fix
In the sslReadCallback(...)
function, I changed the "read" system call to request MSG_WAITALL
Line 1406 changed from:
let bytesRead = read(socketfd, data, bytesRequested)
let bytesRead = recv(socketfd, data, bytesRequested, MSG_WAITALL)
forces the socket read to block until the requested number of bytes are available (or an error occurs).
This one-line change appears to resolve this issue. However, I don't have sufficient familiarity with BlueSocket/BlueSSLService internals (or low level network programming, for that matter) to assess whether it would cause other problems.
Please let me know if there is other information I can provide.
[edited to correct typo]
This is still an issue and the potential fix still works, just ran into it attempting to read 90k bytes from an android client.
Are you sure the socket is blocking? EWOULDBLOCK should only return for a non-blocking socket.
Yes, the socket is definitely configured to be blocking (isBlocking
in Socket.swift).
EWOULDBLOCK is being raised in the SSL layer upon reading at least one byte but fewer bytes than requested. Excerpts from SSLService.swift:
private func sslReadCallback(...) -> OSStatus {
// Read the data from the socket...
let bytesRead = read(socketfd, data, bytesRequested)
if bytesRead > 0 {
dataLength.initialize(to: bytesRead)
if bytesRequested > bytesRead {
return OSStatus(errSSLWouldBlock)
} else {
return noErr
public func recv(...) throws -> Int {
if status == errSSLWouldBlock {
return -1