Kitty Giraudel

Results 48 issues of Kitty Giraudel

As far as I know, pseudo-elements do not work on replaced content. `img` is a replaced element, thus the `::after` pseudo-element won't display anything. More informations:

Hey Heydon! First of all, I love the idea. I think it does a great job showing what's not great in a web page with CSS only however I think...

### Current behavior: All tests are run even if one fails. ### Expected behavior: Providing an option to abort the test suite as soon as a test fails. ### How...

type: feature
stage: proposal đź’ˇ

This should address #582. This PR contains essentially 2 fixes: 1. The escape hatch for nested dialogs used `document.activeElement` *and* `Element.prototype.closest()` to detect whether the keypress should be ignore entirely....