Kitty Giraudel

Results 213 comments of Kitty Giraudel

Hello friends, I realized it would be nice to have the translation disclaimer in the current page language instead of always in English. See screenshot So I was wondering if...

> Fwiw SassDoc is great for documenting functions and mixins but doesn't support documenting classes or placeholder though. We do support placeholders, for a while now by the way. SassDoc...

Could be cool to have some kind of score, yup.

It appears that accessible-modal-dialog is no longer supported. is a possible alternative. :)

@ffoodd Thank you for the shoutout. :) @aardrian Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have a few further questions/comments: - I’ve discovered that only the first `` element within a...

Support for `summary` in `focusable-selectors` is coming in this PR:

By extending SassDoc with our own annotations, you could build pretty much whatever you want.

Basically yes. You’ll create specific annotation like `@desc:fr`, and `@desc:en`, then display them the way you want in your theme. I can help you with that if you want.

Actually this won't work because you still have a single argument in the mixin signature, but you pass it 2 arguments when including it. Either you have to turn `$media-queries`...