listparse copied to clipboard
Parses through wordlists to refine them
Quick Start
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# listparse help
$ ./listparse -h
[sub]Command required
usage: listparse <Command> [-h|--help]
Creates more customized wordlist
gui Launch listparse's gui
parser User listparse as a command line tool
-h --help Print help information
$ listparse gui -h
usage: listparse gui [-h|--help]
Launch listparse's gui
-h --help Print help information
$ listparse parser -h
usage: listparse parser [-h|--help] -w|--wordlist "<value>" -o|--output
"<value>" [-m|--min-length "<value>"] [-x|--max-length
"<value>"] [-p|--phrase "<value>"]
[-s|--require-special-characters] [-n|--require-number]
User listparse as a command line tool
-h --help Print help information
-w --wordlist Wordlist to parse through; Full path to
-o --output File to output to
-m --min-length Minimum length of line. Default: 0
-x --max-length Maximum length of line. Default: 0
-p --phrase Phrase/word that is required to be in the
line. Default:
-s --require-special-characters Require special characters
-n --require-number Require Number
-v --verbose Verbose mode
# Get all lines with only 8 characters and require special characters
$ listparse -w rockyou.txt -o outfile.txt -m 8 -x 8 -s
# Get all lines that contains numbers
$ listparse -w rockyou.txt -o outfile.txt -n
# Get all lines that contain the phrase "pass"
$ listparse -w rockyou.txt -o outfile.txt -p pass
# Get all lines between 8 and 12 characters that have a special character and number
$ listparse -w rockyou.txt -o outfile.txt -m 8 -x 12 -s -n