Jan Klass
Jan Klass
@iggi- What’s the status? Did you have some time? :)
Hey, that's awesome! Which versions did you use? I guess it makes sense to put them into this repository, although I'm not quite sure where (as we don't have a...
You want support or sth? A lil more info maybe?
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS does not provide the php-zeroc-ice package either.
Ubuntu 16.04 packages Ice3.5, which uses slice2php to generate PHP classes from the ice definitions. The package `ice35-translators` provides the `slice2php` binary, the package `ice35-slice` the required base slice files....
A generated file is provided in MumPI/classes/ for 1.2.x and 1.3.0snap. Commenting out the requirement for the PHP Ice extension, and the Ice.php include file, it still requires the Ice/SliceChecksumDict.php,...
The slice2php doc [describes slice inclusion](https://doc.zeroc.com/display/Ice35/slice2php+Command-Line+Options#slice2phpCommand-LineOptions-IncludeFilesinPHP). With the `--all` parameter, included slice files are translated as well. However: slice2php --all -I/usr/share/Ice-3.5.1/slice/ Murmur.ice /usr/share/Ice-3.5.1/slice/Ice/SliceChecksumDict.ice:14: illegal identifier `Ice': `Ice' prefix is reserved
As per own FAQ * https://github.com/Kissaki/MumPI/wiki/FAQ#i-keep-getting-php-fatal-error-require_once-failed-opening-required-icephp-include_path-in-varwwwmumpiclassesserverinterfacephp-on-line-6 * https://github.com/Kissaki/MumPI/wiki/FAQ#how-to-generate-a-murmurphp-file-from-the-murmurice-slice-file
Removing the SliceChecksumDict requirement, the Murmur.php file fails when trying to call `IcePHP_defineSequence`. This is defined in Ice php/src/IcePHP, which looks like the PHP extension. So I guess the php...
ZeroC provides their own deb repo at `http://zeroc.com/download/apt/ubuntu$(lsb_release -rs)` (see https://zeroc.com/distributions/ice and https://doc.zeroc.com/display/Ice36/Using+the+Linux+Binary+Distributions ) but that does not seem to contain the package, and when trying to install this in...