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Universal server-side rendering implementation for Node.js

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What is it?

Universal server-side rendering implementation for Node.js. Powered by Puppeteer.
This library allows you to preload your web applications on the server side, and send rendered data to the user.

In simple terms, this module translates this:

<div id="app"></div>
	document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = 'Hello, world!';

To this:

<div id="app">Hello, world!</div>
	document.getElementById('app').innerHTML = 'Hello, world!';

Note: The minimum supported Node version is Node 7.x


  • Simplifies crawlers work with your Single Page Applications or Progressive Web Apps.
  • Allows you to cache data, optimizing the server-side rendering process.
  • Preload your web applications on the server-side.
  • TypeScript support.


Installation from the NPM repository:

npm install simple-ssr --save


const simpleSSR = require('simple-ssr');

// Puppeteer instance

// Enable requests filtering ( Default: true )
simpleSSR.filterRequests = true;

// List of useless for DOM rendering resources
simpleSSR.blockedRequest = ['stylesheet', 'image'];

(async() => {

	// Put there Puppeteer config
	await simpleSSR.start({ headless: true });

	let result = await simpleSSR.render('', {
		 // Rendering timeout
		timeout: 1000,

		// When to consider navigation succeeded.
		waitUntil: 'load',

		 // DOM target to wait for
		domTarget: ['body', 'h1']

	console.log(result.url) // ''
	console.log(result.time) // 10000
	console.log(result.html) // '<!DOCTYPE html>...'