MSBuildStructuredLog icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MSBuildStructuredLog copied to clipboard

A logger for MSBuild that records a structured representation of executed targets, tasks, property and item values.

Results 144 MSBuildStructuredLog issues
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There are instructions for Windows and Mac. Does someone know how to use this on Linux? Thanks! (PS: I see there's an online tool, but I can't use that -...

Received an unexpected exception dialog in the following situation. I had msbuild structured log viewer open on machine B, and a long running RDP session (2+ days?) from machine A...


--------------------------- --------------------------- Unexpected exception. Sorry about that. Please Ctrl+C to copy this text and file an issue at System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array. at StructuredLogViewer.Controls.TracingControl.ComputerHeatGraphData(Double...

Looking at binlog ![image]( When the tree in the center panel is scrolled off screen horizontally, attempting to scroll vertically results in the following stack traces popping up. Looks...

Using the EmbedInBinLog item group to embed files into the binlog. The item appear under the Files tab and could be opened from there. It would be faster to just...

Search results under Evaluation currently are shown at the root, need to parent at Evaluation -> Project

This is a small feature request. Viewer pane is where the tool shows the contents of the various captured files. It is extremely useful, but it gets cluttered very quickly....

Hi, When I was working with StructuredLog I've got an unexpected error with this message: > Unexpected exception. Sorry about that. > > Please Ctrl+C to copy this text and...

I notice some glitches in UI on Desktop in the tree view, so I take liberty and play with Chrome to improve status This small snippet should vertically align icon...

should count file copies made by this task