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To help implement phone number validation before performing any further operation.


To help implement phone number validation before performing any further operation. Convert phone number to phone number with country code and also remove country code from a phone number and automatically get the country of a user. This library helps make sure the number is valid for the selected country.

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Adding to your project.

compile 'xyz.belvi.validator:phonenumbervalidator:1.0.0'


See sample application in project for a brief walk through on how to use the library.


PhoneNumberVerifier numberVerifier = new PhoneNumberVerifier();

Countries can be gotten by:

  • automatically getting the user country

this returns the users country or null if nothing is found

  • get user country by mc (mobile country code).

This is unique for all country


to get mcc in android:

TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager)context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
String simOperator = telephonyManager.getSimOperator();
if (!simOperator.isEmpty()) {
int mcc = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(context.getResources().getConfiguration().mcc));
  • phone number

get the country by passing a phone number to the method. This returns a country that allows the phone number format. The phone number should have a country code else, this method would return the default country passed to it.

numberVerifier.getCountryByPhoneNumber(Countries.CANADA, "2348123456789")
  • by name

returns country by name. Pass a string name of the coutry to get the country

  • by country code

this returns a list of country as some country shares same country code.

  • direct initialisation

calling the country by its value type;

Countries country = PhoneNumberVerifier.Countries.Nigeria;

#Using the PhoneModel Class To check if a number is valid for a country, use the phoneModel class.

PhoneModel model = country.isNumberValid("08012345678");

model.isNumberValid() tells if the number is valid or not. If it is valid, you can basically a better formatted version of the number from model.getPhoneNumber(). This is empty when model.isNumberValid() is false;

#Converting Numbers Numbers can be converted to plain number from countrycode number and converted to plain number from counrtycode number (i.e) from 080231**** to +23481231**** or from +23481231**** to 080231****

use country.toPlainNumber(phonenumber) and country.toCountryCodeNumber(phonenumber) to achieve this

#Handling Exception Watch out for the PhoneFormatException. It is thrown when phone contains invalid characters mainly.


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