IntentManip icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
IntentManip copied to clipboard

Gives more control over implicit intents creation and the way it is presented to users.


Gives more controls over implicit intents creation and the way it is presented to users. See this for a more detailed explanation on why you should consider using this library.

License Android Arsenal

Lib Sample

Adding to your project.

step 1

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

repositories {
			maven { url "" }

step 2

Add the dependency

dependencies {
	        compile 'com.github.KingsMentor:IntentManip:v1.0'

Usage :

There are a couple of operations you can do with the library. It includes:

  1. Merging
  2. Categorizing Intent
  3. Appending Intent
  4. Ignoring Component
  5. Lookup Component
  6. Target Component
  7. Component Preference

Snippets :

Merging - merging components of different intents

List<ResolveIntent> resolveIntentList = mergeIntents(this, MediaIntents.newSelectPictureIntent(), GeoIntents.newNavigationIntent(""));
LaunchIntent.withButtomSheetAsList(this, resolveIntentList, "launch using", new ResolvedIntentListener<ResolveIntent>() {
            public void onIntentSelected(ResolveIntent resolveIntent) {


launching intent from resolveIntent


implement ResolvedIntentListener to get the item the user selected from the list

Categorising Components

for presenting merged intents in a categorised format

 ResolveCategory pixResolveCategory = CategorisedIntent.categorized(this, MediaIntents.newSelectPictureIntent(), "picture", 1);
        List<ResolveIntent> merge = new MergeIntent().mergeIntents(this, MediaIntents.newSelectPictureIntent(), GeoIntents.newNavigationIntent(""));
        ResolveCategory mergeResolveCategory = CategorisedIntent.categorized(merge, "Geo and Media", 2);
        List<ResolveCategory> resolveCategories = new ArrayList<>();
        LaunchIntent.categorised(this, resolveCategories, "Share With", new ResolvedIntentListener<ResolveIntent>() {
            public void onIntentSelected(ResolveIntent resolveIntent) {

Appending Explicit Intents.

for adding explicit intent ( probably activities from your project ) to implicit components.

PreparedIntent preparedIntent = new PreparedIntent(new Intent(this, Sample.class), R.string.sample, R.mipmap.ic_launcher);
        List<ResolveIntent> resolveIntentList = IntentAppend.appendCustomIntent(this, MediaIntents.newSelectPictureIntent(), preparedIntent);
        LaunchIntent.withButtomSheetAsList(this, resolveIntentList, "launch using", new ResolvedIntentListener<ResolveIntent>() {
            public void onIntentSelected(ResolveIntent resolveIntent) {

Ignore Components

to ignore or skip or remove components that matches a defined naming pattern from the list

List<ResolveIntent> resolveIntentList = mergeIntents(this, MediaIntents.newSelectPictureIntent(), GeoIntents.newNavigationIntent(""));
        IntentIgnore.IgnoreIntentWithName(this, resolveIntentList, new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"Maps"})));
        LaunchIntent.withButtomSheetAsList(this, resolveIntentList, "launch using", new ResolvedIntentListener() {
            public void onIntentSelected(Object resolveIntent) {


LookingUp Components

to find and return components that matches a defined naming pattern

List<ResolveIntent> resolveIntentList = mergeIntents(this, MediaIntents.newSelectPictureIntent(), GeoIntents.newNavigationIntent(""));
        IntentLookUp.lookUpAppsByAppName(this, resolveIntentList, "Maps");
        LaunchIntent.withButtomSheetAsList(this, resolveIntentList, "launch using", new ResolvedIntentListener() {
            public void onIntentSelected(Object resolveIntent) {


Target a Component

to target a particular component from a list of component. returns null if not found or return the first item if more than 1 item is found.

List<ResolveIntent> resolveIntentList = mergeIntents(this, MediaIntents.newSelectPictureIntent(), GeoIntents.newNavigationIntent(""));
        ResolveIntent resolveIntent = TargetIntent.targetByAppName(this, resolveIntentList, "Photo");
        if (resolveIntent != null) {

Component Preference

This involves using a PreferenceType which could be

  • ASCENDING - to arange components in an alphabetical order by appname
  • DECENDING - to arange components in a decending alphabetical order by app name
  • CUSTOM_PACKAGENAME - arrange the list, placing components with supplied package names aboved others.
  • CUSTOM_APPNAME - arrange the list, placing components with supplied app names aboved others.
  • CUSTOM_REGEX_APPNAME - arrange the list, placing components with app names matching regEx supplied aboved others.
  • CUSTOM_REGEX_PACKAGE_NAME - arrange the list, placing components with package names matching regEx supplied aboved others.

Also note that CUSTOM Preference type sort the component in same manage the list was provided.

List<ResolveIntent> resolveIntentList = mergeIntents(this, MediaIntents.newSelectPictureIntent(), GeoIntents.newNavigationIntent(""));
        PreferenceIntent.preferredIntent(this, PreferenceType.CUSTOM_APPNAME, new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"Maps","Photo"})), resolveIntentList);
        LaunchIntent.withButtomSheetAsList(this, resolveIntentList, "launch using", new ResolvedIntentListener() {
            public void onIntentSelected(Object resolveIntent) {


The snippet above will sort the merge component of MediaIntents and GeoIntents but would place Maps and Photo above the entire list. Maps will be above Photos because if was provided that way. To bring Photos above Maps, it has to be this way:

PreferenceIntent.preferredIntent(this, PreferenceType.CUSTOM_APPNAME, new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"Photo","Maps"})), resolveIntentList);


Contributions are welcome.


android-intents and Bottom Sheet upon which this library is based.


Copyright (C) 2016 MarvinLabs 
Copyright (C) 2011, 2015 Kai Liao

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.