lang_table copied to clipboard
lang_table is a dart plugin to generate string files from a source. Use a table to manage all multi-language resources. Inspired by fetch-mobile-localization-from-airtable
lang_table is a dart plugin to generate string files from a source. Use a table to manage all multi-language resources. Inspired by fetch-mobile-localization-from-airtable
Add this library into pubspec.yaml
lang_table: 0.2.0
Run the following command at root directory.Then will generate several output files based on the source platform
pub run lang_table:generate
A below table shown all supported arguments:
Argument | Description |
--platform | (Required) The platform stores all localization strings. Suppoted platforms: airTable |
--input | (Required) The source of the strings |
--target | (Required) Code generator for a target plaformat. Supported target: Flutter |
--output-dir | (Optional) An output folder stores all generated json files (defaults to "res/string") |
--api-key | (Optional) Usage of platform specific |
Key [code=key] |
English [code=en] |
Traditional Chinese [code=zh_TW] |
Japanese [code=ja] |
locale | English | 中文 | 日文 |
simpleMessage | This is a simple Message | 這是簡單消息 | これは簡単なメッセージです |
messageWithParams | Hi ${yourName}, Welcome you! | 你好 ${yourName},歡迎你。 | こんにちは${yourName}、ようこそ。 |
group.hello | Welcome you! | 歡迎你。 | ようこそ。 |
Running the following command,
pub run lang_table:generate --platform=airTable --input= --api-key={YOUR API KEY} --target=Flutter
Generated files like this,
|--- lib
|--- res
|--- string
|--- string_en.json
|--- string_zh_TW.json
|--- string_ja.json
Meta Code
It is required to insert into table headers for identifying the usage of a table's column.
Type of Meta Code
[code=key] |
Used to identify the column storing a key for a message |
[code={Locale}] |
Used to identify the column storing a message for a specific language |
Grouping Key
For the key in [code=key]
, lang_table support group key. Using '.'
to separate different groups
"group.hello": "Welcome you!"
Supported Platforms
pub run lang_table:generate --platform=airTable --input= --api-key={YOUR API KEY} --target=Flutter