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Graph Neural Network version of Kolmogorov Arnold Networks (GraphKAN)

Open WillHua127 opened this issue 9 months ago • 2 comments

I have opened a GraphKan (, a Graph Neural Network version of Kolmogorov Arnold Networks (GraphKAN). Feel free to discuss and explore!!!

WillHua127 avatar May 03 '24 05:05 WillHua127

Hi, thanks for your extension. I wonder if the FourierKan is a plug-in version of current KAN, like we can treat the same as nn.Linear. Thanks.

HelloWorldLTY avatar May 03 '24 10:05 HelloWorldLTY


class NaiveFourierKANLayer(nn.Module):

    def __init__(self, inputdim, outdim, gridsize=300, addbias=True):


        self.gridsize= gridsize

        self.addbias = addbias

        self.inputdim = inputdim

        self.outdim = outdim

        self.fouriercoeffs = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(2, outdim, inputdim, gridsize) / 
                                             (np.sqrt(inputdim) * np.sqrt(self.gridsize)))
        if self.addbias:
            self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, outdim))

    def forward(self,x):
        xshp = x.shape
        outshape = xshp[0:-1] + (self.outdim,)
        x = x.view(-1, self.inputdim)
        #Starting at 1 because constant terms are in the bias
        k = torch.reshape(torch.arange(1, self.gridsize+1, device=x.device), (1, 1, 1, self.gridsize))
        xrshp = x.view(x.shape[0], 1, x.shape[1], 1)
        #This should be fused to avoid materializing memory
        c = torch.cos(k * xrshp)
        s = torch.sin(k * xrshp)

        # #We compute the interpolation of the various functions defined by their fourier coefficient for each input coordinates and we sum them 
        # y =  torch.sum(c * self.fouriercoeffs[0:1], (-2, -1)) 
        # y += torch.sum(s * self.fouriercoeffs[1:2], (-2, -1))
        # if self.addbias:
        #     y += self.bias
        # #End fuse
        #You can use einsum instead to reduce memory usage
        #It stills not as good as fully fused but it should help
        #einsum is usually slower though
        c = torch.reshape(c, (1, x.shape[0], x.shape[1], self.gridsize))
        s = torch.reshape(s, (1, x.shape[0], x.shape[1], self.gridsize))
        y = torch.einsum("dbik,djik->bj", torch.concat([c, s], axis=0), self.fouriercoeffs)
        if self.addbias:
            y += self.bias
        y = y.view(outshape)
        return y

WillHua127 avatar May 03 '24 16:05 WillHua127