ve copied to clipboard
Ve in Dart
Hi Kimtaro, I wrote to you earlier asking for help about getting Ve to work on my Flutter application. I can't believe I missed the Java port, I'm not at all verse in Ruby so it was much more easier for me to port it to Dart!
My language learning video player's tap to select subtitles feature is much faster and doesn't need to web scrape for text segmentation before asking the API again a second time for definitions. I made use of the mecab_dart package as you've advised, and I've published the package on should any other Flutter developers ever happen to need it, currently housed in my repository.
I've never done a pull request and I noticed all the other implementations in different languages are also here and I would be delighted for my port to also be included but I noticed in #48 onwards that you may want to keep the implementations separate.
Thank you again so much for your help!
Thank you @lrorpilla! I'm super excited to see Ve in one more language. I have added a link to your repository in the Readme.