pyshark copied to clipboard
TShark seems to have crashed (retcode: 2). Try rerunning in debug mode [ capture_obj.set_debug() ] or try updating tshar
my code example1
caps = pyshark.FileCapture(self.filename)
#self.caps_len = len(caps)
src_host = ""
dst_host = ""
flow_packet = 0
flow_bytes = 0
index = 0
for counter,packet in enumerate(caps):
if 'tcp' in dir(packet):
src_host = packet.ip.src
dst_host = packet.ip.dst
flow_packet += 1
flow_bytes += int(packet.tcp.len,10)
if not in self.features:
self.features[][2]+=1 #ToDoList
pass #todo list
return src_host,dst_host,flow_packet,flow_bytes
there was wrong
TShark seems to have crashed (retcode: 2). Try rerunning in debug mode [ capture_obj.set_debug() ] or try updating tshar
but if I use code example2
file = './peer0.org1.pcap'
cap = pyshark.FileCapture(file)
for counter, pkt in enumerate(cap):
if "tcp" in dir(pkt):
there not any wrong , what should I do my example1 could work normal?
I have the same problem :(
same problem but happened on sniff method
Same problem here when reading a capture with FileCapture
gays, I know how to deal with this. call the function named set_debug ,then you could see what's the problem in console. my problem is that my wireshark is break. when I install it again , problem gone . good luck !
You need version correspondence me : Wireshark-win64-2.4.2/ pyshark== This error will also occur if you illegally block and intercept good luck!
Is there any mapping for Wireshark-Version / pyshark_version compatibility?
same question. It turns out that the pcap file was appears to have been cut short in the middle of a packet.
. This should not cause a crash, pyshark should just ignore the notice.
Same issue, need support in handling this error "appears to have been cut short in the middle of a packet"
gays, I know how to deal with this. call the function named set_debug ,then you could see what's the problem in console. my problem is that my wireshark is break. when I install it again , problem gone . good luck !
does this mean you reinstalled wireshark and the issue is fixed after that?
gays, I know how to deal with this. call the function named set_debug ,then you could see what's the problem in console. my problem is that my wireshark is break. when I install it again , problem gone . good luck !
does this mean you reinstalled wireshark and the issue is fixed after that?
gays, I know how to deal with this. call the function named set_debug ,then you could see what's the problem in console. my problem is that my wireshark is break. when I install it again , problem gone . good luck !
does this mean you reinstalled wireshark and the issue is fixed after that?
but U should call the function first ,and get what's the problem with you.