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Simple API allowing consumers to get planets and cusps positions.


The AstroAPI is a simple API allowing consumers to get planets and cusps positions. The AstroAPI uses Swiss Ephemeris library port to Java by Thomas Mack. AstroAPI is clear and tested API over this library.


Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, Lilith, NNode.

House systems:

Placidus, Koch, Porphyrius, Regiomontanus, Campanus, Equal, Vehlow Equal, Whole, Axial Rotation, Horizontal, Polich/Page, Alcabitius, Gauquelin sectors, Morinus.

Coordinate systems

Geocentric, Topocentric.

Zodiac type

Tropical, Sidereal

Version: 1.0.0



  • set path to ephemeris
  • mvn clean package
  • mvn javadoc:javadoc


// Topocentric, tropical, all planets.
Planet planetEphemeris = new PlanetBuilder(event)
  				.topo(48.8555, 18.0488, 0)

// Geocentric, sidereal, Sun and Moon only.
Planet planetEphemeris = new PlanetBuilder(event)
 				.planet('Sun, Moon')
				.zodiac("Fagan Bradley")	

// Tropical, Campanus. Cusp cuspEphemeris = new CuspBuilder(event) .houses("Campanus") .topo(48.8555, 18.0488, 0) .build(); cuspEphemeris.toJSON();

// Sidereal, Placidus Cusp cuspEphemeris = new CuspBuilder(event) .houses("Palcidus") .topo(48.8555, 18.0488, 0) .zodiac("Fagan Bradley") .build(); cuspEphemeris.toJSON();


// Tropical, the Moon in opposition with the Sun. Transit transit = new TransitBuilder(event) .planet("Moon") .toPlanet("Sun") .aspect(180.0) .build();

System.out.println( transit.getDate() );

// Sidereal, the Moon in trine with the point 36.3° in zodiac. Backwards. Planet transit = new PlanetBuilder(event) .planet('Moon') .toPoint(36.3) .aspect(120.0) .zodiac("Fagan Bradley") .backwards(true) .build();

System.out.println( transit.getDate() );

## License
GNU public version 3