kicad-symbols copied to clipboard
NCP115AMX250TCG 2.5v, and NCP115AMX120TCG 1.2v OnSemi linear regulators
OnSemi linear regulators
Footprint pull request:
All contributions to the kicad library must follow the KiCad library convention
Thanks for creating a pull request to contribute to the KiCad libraries! To speed up integration of your PR, please check the following items:
- [x] Provide a URL to a datasheet for the symbol(s) you are contributing
- [x] Provide a screenshot of the symbol(s) from the symbol editor with the pin types visible
- [x] Ensure that the associated footprints match the official footprint library
- A new fitting footprint must be submitted if the library does not yet contain one.
- [x] If there are matching footprint PRs, provide link(s) as appropriate
- [x] Check the output of the Travis automated check scripts - fix any errors as required
- [x] Give a reason behind any intentional library convention rule violation.
KLC S4.2 due to regulators being allowed to have power inputs on the left hand side across from outputs.
Be patient, we maintainers are volunteers with limited time and need to check your contribution against the datasheet. You can speed up the process by providing all the necessary information (see above). And you can speed up the process even more by providing additional info like the screenshot of the symbol editor pin table (or for high pin counts converted to csv) sorted in the same way as the pin table in the datasheet and a direct link to the datasheet page that contains the pin table.
@chmorgan for regulators we have VIN on the left in front of VOUT (accepted KLC exception). Please have a look to existing devices. Thanks
Hi @myfreescalewebpage, thanks for the review. I'm a fellow librarian although inactive the past month or so and mostly on the footprints side.
Updated the image and pushed an update to the symbol to put the input and output across from each other.
No worries, here the full review:
- [x] The format of the description is not correct, should be
300mA Low-Dropout Linear Regulators, 1.2V output voltage, XDFN-4
- [x] Footprint filter should be
- [x] Pin length should be 100mil
- [x] Name of pin 1 should be "OUT"
- [x] Name of pin 4 should be "IN"
- [x] The expose pad is missing, it should be added, pin number 5 and stacked with GND (according to datasheet page 14)
- [x] The format of the description is not correct, should be
300mA Low-Dropout Linear Regulators, 2.5V output voltage, XDFN-4
Hi @myfreescalewebpage.
No idea where I got those 200mm long pins from.
Thank you for catching the EP. Don't know how I missed that on the symbol. It's named EP in the footprint, ok to name it EP here as well or should it not be EP in the footprint?
Hello @chmorgan
Thanks for the fixes, great changes!
EP number should be 5, this is convention we use. On the footprint too. See some TQFP/SOIC/etc footprint with EP. See also the travis error about the pin type.
Hi @myfreescalewebpage. Changed that to pin 5. I thought for some reason that the EP was noted as EP but maybe I was copying another part that didn't meet the current KLC, or just imagining things!
And I updated the footprint PR to rename EP to pin 5 there as well.
Thanks, just need to wait the footprint now, no comment on the symbol
Closing/opening to refresh the Travis test.
@chmorgan just notice an error here, pin 5 should be Passive (pin stacking error).