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Flexi-Store is a Sever that Contains the Rest API for the Flexi Store Ecommerce Kotlin Multiplatform Project.


Flexi Store is an Ecommerce Application Server designed to provide a flexible and scalable backend for online stores.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Features
  • Installation
  • Usage
  • API Endpoints
  • Screenshots
  • Contributing
  • License


Flexi Store is a server-side application designed to support ecommerce functionalities. It provides a robust backend system for managing users, categories, and products, facilitating the development of ecommerce platforms.


  • User authentication and authorization
  • CRUD operations for managing users, categories, and products
  • Secure API endpoints for interacting with the server
  • Flexible and scalable architecture for accommodating future enhancements


To install Flexi Store Server locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/flexi-store-server.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd flexi-store-server
  3. Install dependencies:

 ./gradlew build
  1. Start the server:
    ./gradlew run

API Endpoints


  • POST /v1/users: Create a new user.
  • POST /v1/login: Authenticate user login.
  • GET /v1/users: Get all users.
  • GET /v1/users/{id}: Get user by ID.
  • DELETE /v1/users/{id}: Delete user by ID.
  • PUT /v1/users/{id}: Update user by ID.


  • POST /v1/categories: Create a new category.
  • GET /v1/categories: Get all categories.
  • GET /v1/categories/{id}: Get category by ID.
  • DELETE /v1/categories/{id}: Delete category by ID.
  • PUT /v1/categories/{id}: Update category by ID.


  • POST /v1/products: Create a new product.
  • GET /v1/products: Get all products.
  • GET /v1/products/{id}: Get product by ID.
  • DELETE /v1/products/{id}: Delete product by ID.
  • PUT /v1/products/{id}: Update product by ID.

Promotions Cards

  • POST /v1/promotions: Create a new promotions product.
  • GET /v1/promotions: Get all promotions products.
  • GET /v1/promotions/{id}: Get promotions product by ID.
  • DELETE /v1/promotions/{id}: Delete promotions product by ID.
  • PUT /v1/promotions/{id}: Update promotions product by ID.

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Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6 Screenshot 7 Screenshot 8 Screenshot 9 Screenshot 10 Screenshot 11


Contributions are welcome! Please check the CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.