Khaled Mohamed
Khaled Mohamed
Please check out the comments on issue #31
I have the same issue stackoverflow link :
Any update about defaultAudioLanguage??\
Most probably cdn legacy availability for my IP.
Fix version of these dependence: ``` typing-inspect==0.8.0 typing_extensions==4.5.0 ``` Solve the issue for me:
This issue was `php artisan package:discover` requires existence of `.env `, That fix the issue for me. But for me it doesn’t make sense specially during pipeline deployment!
@Bolaji95 Check out my PR #103, or Clone my [fork](
@devianl2 Please release latest update as current version throw stream crash. `error: Call to undefined method League\\Flysystem\\Filesystem::putStream()` Thanks in advance!
Any update on this issue?
I see Arabic (Syria) / الْعَرَبيّة -- Is working now with, seem that issue is related to duplication keys regarding Arabic / الْعَرَبيّة -- That conflict and make DB insert...