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The sample code for Assemblages contains an extra parentheses ')'
The current documentation for assemblages looks like this:
-- Make an Assemblage function
-- e is the Entity being assembled.
-- cuteness and legs are variables passed in
function animal(e, cuteness, legs)
:give(cutenessComponentClass, cuteness)
:give(limbs, legs, 0) -- Variable amount of legs. 0 arm.
-- Make an Assemblage that uses animal
-- cuteness is a variables passed in
function cat(e, cuteness)
:assemble(animal, cuteness * 2, 4) -- Cats are twice as cute, and have 4 legs.
:give(soundComponent, "meow.mp3")
Ofc this is just a small nitpick, but there is an extra ')' parentheses at the end of end
on both functions animal
and cat