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ActiveSQLite is an helper of SQLite.Swift. It can let you use SQLite.swift easily.



License Platform

ActiveSQLite is an helper of SQLite.Swift. It can let you use SQLite.swift easily.

There is a project named Reed downloader used ActiveSQLite.



  • [x] Support all Features of SQLite.swift.
  • [x] Auto create tables. Auto add columns of id , created_at , updated_at .
  • [x] Auto set values to attributes of models frome query sql
  • [x] Mapping name of table with name of model, mapping attribute names with column names
  • [x] Support Transcation and Asynchronous
  • [x] A flexible, chainable, lazy-executing query layer
  • [x] Query use String or Expression<T> of SQLite.swift
  • [x] Logger level
  • [ ] Runtime Encoding to Codable Encoding
  • [ ] Complete Protocol Oriented Programming
  • [ ] Table relations
  • [ ] Cache and Faults value


To run the ActiveSQLiteTests target of project.


import ActiveSQLite

class Product:ASModel{
    var name:String = ""
    var price:NSNumber = NSNumber(value:0.0)
    var desc:String?
    var publish_date:NSDate?

let product = Product() = "iPhone 7"
product.price = NSNumber(value:599)

let p = Product.findFirst("name",value:"iPhone")

let name = Expression<String>("name")
let p = Product.findAll(name == "iPhone").first
//id = 1, name = iPhone 7, price = 599, desc = nil,  publish_date = nil, created_at = 1498616987587.237, updated_at = 1498616987587.237, 

//Update = "iPad"
try! p.update()


Getting Started

To use ActiveSQLite classes or structures in your target’s source file, first import the ActiveSQLite module.

import ActiveSQLite

Connecting to a Database

ASConfigration.setDefaultDB(path:"db file path", name: "default db name")

//If you want a other db
ASConfigration.setDB(path: "other db file path", name: "other db name")

You must set default db path.

Building Type-Safe SQL

Swift Type
Swift Type
SQLite Type
SQLite Default Value
If not use optionl property
NSNumber Int64 INTEGER 0
NSNumber Double REAL 0.0
String String TEXT ""
nil nil NULL NULL
SQLite.Blob BLOB
NSDate Int64 INTEGER 0

The NSNumber Type maps with two SQLite.swift's Swift Type. they are Int64 ans Double. The default type is Int64. You can override doubleTypes() function of ASModel to mark properties are Double Type.

class Product:ASModel{

    var name:String = ""
    var price:NSNumber = NSNumber(value:0.0)
    var desc:String?
    var publish_date:NSDate?

  override func doubleTypes() -> [String]{
      return ["price"]

ActiviteSQLite map NSDate to Int64 of SQLite.swift. You can map NSDate to String by looking Custom Types of Documentaion of SQLite.swift

Creating a Table

ActiveSQLite auto create table and add "id". The create code looks like below:

try { t in      
    t.column(id, primaryKey: true)
    t.column(Expression<NSDate>("created_at"), defaultValue: NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: 0))	
    t.column(Expression<NSDate>("updated_at"), defaultValue: NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: 0))	


// CREATE TABLE "Products" (
//		created_at INTEGER DEFAULT (0),
//		created_at INTEGER DEFAULT (0),
//     ...
//	)

The unit of "created_at" and "updated_at" columns is ms.

From ActiveSQLite0.4.0 to 0.4.1

ActiveSQLite0.4.0 can use 3 types to define property: T, T!, T?.
ActiveSQLite0.4.1 use 2 types to define property: T, T?.

type 0.4.0 0.4.1
T not nil not nil
T! not nil can be nil. use T? replace
T? can be nil can be nil
pirmary key id is T! type is T? type.

If you want find the db column default value to see the first table in this document.


You can custom name of table, names of column and prevent save some properties into database.

1. DB name.

If you use one db, only setDefaultDB(path:name:),, you needn't do anything. If you set you table in other db, you must override dbName.

ASConfigration.setDefaultDB(path:"db file path", name: "default db name")
ASConfigration.setDB(path: "other db file path", name: "other db name")

override class var dbName:String?{
    return "other db name"

2. Table name.

Default table name is same with class name, you needn't do anything. If you want use different name ,you must override nameOfTable.

// Set table name to "ProductTable"
override class var nameOfTable: String{
    return "ProductTable"

3. Column name.

Default column name is same with properity name, you needn't do anything. If you want use different name, you must override mapper().

override func mapper() -> [String:String]{
    return ["property_name":"column_name"];

If you let primary key is not "id",use like this:

override class var PRIMARY_KEY:String{
    return "_id"
override func mapper() -> [String:String]{
    return ["id":"_id"]

4. Transient properties.

Transent properitird have not been saved into database.

override class func transientTypess() -> [String]{
    return ["isSelected"]

ActiveSQLite can only save properities in (String,NSNumber,NSDate) into database. The properities without in these types are not be saved into database, they are transent properities.

5. Auto create "created_at" and "updated_at" columns.

Just override isSaveDefaulttimestamp, don't do anything, the super class ASModel already define "created_at" and "updated_at" properies.

override class var isSaveDefaulttimestamp:Bool{
        return true

Table constraints

If you want custom columns by yourself, you just set model implements CreateColumnsProtocol, and comfirm createColumns function. Then the ActiveSQLite will not auto create columns. Make sure the properties' names of model mapping the columns'.

class Users:ASModel,CreateColumnsProtocol{
    var name:String = ""
    var email:String = ""
    var age:Int?
    func createColumns(t: TableBuilder) {
        t.column(Expression<NSNumber>("id"), primaryKey: true)
        t.column(Expression<String>("email"), , check:"%@%"))

find more infomations to look up table constraints document of SQLite.swift.

Inserting Rows

There are 3 functions used for insert rows. they are

Insert one.

func insert()throws ;

Insert more.

class func insertBatch(models:[ASModel])throws ;

Save method.

Insert or Update. Insert if id == nil. Update if id != nil.

func save() throws;


let u = Users() = "Kevin"
var products = [Product]()
for i in 1 ..< 8 {
    let p = Product() = "iPhone-\(i)"
    p.price = NSNumber(value:i)
try! Product.insertBatch(models: products)

For more to see source code or example of ActiveSQLite, also look up document Inserting Rows document of SQLite.swift.

Updateing Rows

There 3 strategies for update.

1. Update by attribute.

First modefiy attribute of model,and then save() or update() or updateBatch(). = "zhoukai"

2. Update by String:Value.

//Update one

//Update more

Product.update(["name": "3ds","price":NSNumber(value:199)], where: ["id": NSNumber(1)])

2. Update by Setter.

Update one Product object to database.

//Update one
p.update([Product.price <- NSNumber(value:199))

//Update more
Product.update([Product.price <- NSNumber(value:199), where: == "3ds")

For more to see source code and example of ActiveSQLite, also look up document Updating Rows document , Setters document of SQLite.swift.

Selecting Rows

You can use findFirst to find one row, use findAll to find more rows.

The methods that prefix name is "find" are class method.

1.Find by attribute.

let p = Product.findFirst("name",value:"iWatch")

let ps = Product.findAll("name",value:"iWatch",orders:["price",false])

2.Find by Expression.

let id = Expression<NSNumber>("id")
let name = Expression<String>("name")

let arr = Product.findAll(name == "iWatch")

let ps = Product.findAll(id > NSNumber(value:100), orders: [])

Chainable Query

chainable query style methods are property method.

let products = Product().where(Expression<NSNumber>("code") > 3)

Don't forget excute run().

more complex queries to see source code and example of ActiveSQLite. Look documents Building Complex Queries of SQLite.swift


SQLite.swift use Expression replece 'where' SQL when you execute update and select SQLs. Complex Expression to look for filtering-rows

Deleting Rows

//1. Delete one row
try? product.delete()

//2. Delete all rows
try? Product.deleteAll()

//3. Delete by Expression and chains.
try? Product().where(Expression<NSNumber>("code") > 3)


I suggest that you should put all insert, update, delete and alter tables codes into block. One block is a transaction.{ 

                var products = [Product]()
                for i in 0 ..< 3 {
                    let p = Product()
           = "iPhone-\(i)"
                    p.price = NSNumber(value:i)
                try Product.insertBatch(models: products)

                let u = Users()
       = "Kevin"

            }, completion: { (error) in
                if error != nil {
                    debugPrint("transtion failed \(error)")
                    debugPrint("transtion success")



ActiveSQLite.saveAsync also contains one transcation function.


            }, completion: { (error) in

Altering the Schema

Renaming Tables and Adding Columns

Step 1.You must change model use new columns and new table name.

class Product{
	var name:String!
	var newColumn:String!
	override class var nameOfTable: String{
    	return "newTableName"

Step 2. Execute alter table sql when db version update.

let db = DBConnection.sharedConnection.db
            if db.userVersion == 0 {
                    try Product.renameTable(oldName:"oldTableName",newName:"newTableName")
                    try Product.addColumn(["newColumn"])
                }, completion: { (error) in
                    if error == nil {
                    	db.userVersion = 1

more to look Altering the Schema of SQLite.swift


	let name = Expression<String>("name")

more to see Indexes of SQLite.swift Document

Dropping Tables



There are 4 log levels: debug,info,warn,error. The default log level is info. Setting log level like this:

//1. Set log level
ASConfigration.logLevel = .debug

//2. Set db path
ASConfigration.dbPath = "..."

Make sure setting log level before setting database path.


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 10.2
  • Swift 5



ActiveSQLite is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "ActiveSQLite"


Kevin Zhou


ActiveSQLite is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.