Kevin Zhang

Results 43 comments of Kevin Zhang

> @KevinZhang19870314 thanks a lot for the suggestion. Guess we could include echarts within the whitelisted libraries! @gventuri Hi, I use pyecharts as a whitelisted library, but it gives me...

> @KevinZhang19870314 seems a JS error, so probably it's the library itself causing it. If you don't mind, please share the `pandasai.log` file that has been generated in your main...

``` D:\kevinzhang\xxx\venv\Scripts\python.exe D:\kevinzhang\xxx\chore\ Missing optional dependency 'pyecharts.charts'. Use pip or conda to install pyecharts.charts. pandas_ai.last_code_executed: bar = Bar() bar.add_xaxis(df['country'].tolist()) bar.add_yaxis('GDP', df['gdp'].tolist(), color='#5793f3') bar.set_global_opts(title_opts={'text': 'Histogram of Countries by GDP'}) bar.render_notebook() Process...

> how to open cards page and persist the bottom bar? @tva77 Sorry for long delay response, could you provide a PR and fix that, I am now have no...

I am following this method, and encounter another issue, when I open two client to call this endpoint in the same time, one is `BLOCKED` by another, and after I...

> Thank you for your answer, I edit my code with your answer, I got below error, can you help? ``` ERROR: Exception in ASGI application Traceback (most recent call...

Also, when I use `acall`, the verbose log disappear, even I set verbose to True. `qa = ConversationalRetrievalChain.from_llm(model, retriever=retriever, verbose=True)` My langchain version is `langchain==0.0.171` Finally, I tried many times,...

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