Digital-Image-Processing copied to clipboard
This Repository demonstrates how can one apply various image pre-processing, image processing & image post-processing techniques in MATLAB environment.
Digital Image Processing
What is Digital Image Processing?
An image can be defined as a two demensional function f(x,y), where x and y are spatial coordinates, and amplitude of f at any pair of coordinates (x,y) is known as intensity or gray level of that point. When x,y and amplitude f are all finite, discrete quantities, we call the image as digital image. The field of digital image processing refers to processing of digital image using digitall computers.
Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Processing:
- Image Aquisition
- Image Enhancement
- Image Restoration
- Color Image Processing
- Wavelets
- Compression
- Morphological Operations
- Segmentation
- Representation and Description
- Recognition
- Finding Grayscale image, Red Component, Green Component, Blue Component, Negative of given image.
- Plot Histogram for given image.
- Perform histogram equalization to transform given low contrast image into high contrast image.
- Perform histogram matching: transformation of an image so that its histogram matches a specified output image's histogram.
- Gray Level Slicing
- Smoothing Filter
- Logical and Arithmetic Operations
- Contrast Streching
- Erosion Operation
- Dilation Operation
- Opening Operation
- Closing Operation
- Fingerprint Enhancement using Opening & Closing Operations
- Boundary Extraction
- Image Noise
- Plotting Signature