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Could you add IBM i RPG ile, Control Language ile, DDS, Uim and CMD langages?
Hi, I am a developper on that langages, could you add them to your plugin.
RPG ile
Control langage
DDS and UIM languages
CMD language Regards, Olivier.
I can, but they might take some time to get merged in. I need to find a suitable textmate file for each, then submit it to the library upstream. Do you use an extension in your editor to get the proper highlighting?
I maybe found the RPG one. Is this it?
But I coulnd't find the others with a quick search.
There is IBMi Languages for Vscode used by Code for IBM i.
Features: Syntax highlighting for RPG III and RPG/400 - H,F,E,L,I,C,O specs Syntax highlighting for Control Language (CL) Syntax highlighting for Command Definition (CMD) Syntax highlighting for UIM Panel Group (PNLGRP) Syntax highlighting for DDS files - physical, logical, display, printer, and ICF Syntax highlighting for Machine Interface (MI) Syntax highlighting for RPGLE fixed - H,F,D,I,C,O,P specs Syntax highlighting for RPGLE free Syntax highlighting for embedded SQL in SQLRPG and SQLRPGLE Support for a mix of RPGLE free and fixed format Support for binder language Support for DB2 SQL keywords in embedded SQL
Is this suits you?
Do you need some more information?
Sorry, just been busy I guess. These files actually look ok. Would it be possible for you to provide an idiomatic code sample for each one?
When I add a grammar upstream they have these guidelines to follow, which include adding a sample
In /packages/shiki/samples/, add a code sample file
.sample for your language. A sample should include a variety of language syntaxes and succinctly capture the idiosyncrasy of a language. Format requirements:
- Space for indentation
- Less than 100 columns if possible
- Link to source in the last line, for example # From
No problem, I can do that.
I found this list actually. I'll use these:
Opened a PR here:
I found this list actually. I'll use these:
Yes you can use them.
do not hesite to ask me some question if needed.
Do you have any news? I saw an issue on the pull request, do you need some help from my skill field?
It's a matter of waiting for them to merge it and tag a release. You could comment on the PR to show your interest in getting it merged. Not sure if it would help though.
If there isnt activity for awhile I may fork the project and add them, but that gets a bit complicated to maintain the fork. It's an option though.
there ie an answer from, it seems that they changed the process to add a request.
Thanks for following up. Yeah I saw they moved to v1.0 and I want to update it. It's not going to be a trivial task though and given the way Gutenberg is structured, I may have to include both v1.0 and the the last sub 1.0 version to avoid invalidating everyone's code.
I also want to give a good upgrade path, but that will involve writing a complex tool to process all the blocks in the browser (the renderer requires webassembly).
I plan to do all this "soon" but I don't want to commit to a timeline because I can't predict my schedule (I work full time as well). It's near the front of my todo list though.
Do you have any news about your schedule :-)?
It's been on ym mind lately. I have to rewrite the whole thing to support adding new languages. I don't want to give a time frame though but I'll start putting some energy into it. Thanks for following up though.