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#Conversion of ContourData to contour pixels I have gone through the source code of dicom-contour. The coord2pixels(contour_dataset, path) function is used for the conversion of contour pixels from the contour...
Thank you very much to your code, It help me so much. I have one question. For pixel array, I need to covert them to hounsfield unit or not? if...
I first used the package by following the tutorial notebook and using the dicom_contour package from pip. This worked, but I noticed that the GitHub code (and commands) were rather...
Hi, in tutorial.ipynb, it mentioned `fill_contour` in FILLING CONTOUR ARRAYS section. This function does not exist in dicom_contour.contour. Is there any alternative function to achieve the same goal? Thanks in...
Any chance that you can do a function in the opposite direction? When you have done segmentation and stored the mask as a nifti file, you often want to save...
from dicom_contour.contour import * File "C:\Users\abc\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\lib\site-packages\dicom_contour\contour.py", line 306 plt.imsave(new_path + f'/images/image_{i}.{img_format}', X[i, :, :]) SyntaxError: invalid syntax How do I resolve this error?
First of all, thanks for your work. It helped me a lot! I just have a question regarding the conversion from cartesian coordinates to pixel positions. I am not being...
Hello. Nice scripts. I found this repo through your blog post. When trying this out, I noticed that it is based on two unstated assumptions: 1. The .dcm files are...
Hi, Thanks for your work. I have been using this package. When I call the cfile2pixels function to return a list of pairs of img_arr and contour_arr for a given...
Hello Kerem, While using your code to convert DICOM images to arrays I was experiencing some issues with regards to some contours. As the delineations within our dataset were done...