Kerbinator Fras
Kerbinator Fras
When we're doing **pre**-calculations of gravity assists with bi-impulse transfers, we will need this solution of transfer to minimize the insertion burn, cuz depature burn (from the last intermediate planet)...
As in reality,_ion engines_ has a very poor thrust (0.092N Vac in 1.6.1 RO as of NSTAR) ,so burn will last for **hundreds of days** which is really annoying but...
by clicking a place on orbit line twice (can be ordinary points, Ap/Pe/AN/DN, Node) It will then give out the position and speed data of this point (normally the point...
Well I think it's awesome to use principia,but I always love to **push things all the way to limit**.Recently I'm encountering some problems when deeply optimising E-V-V-M-M-M-M MESSENGER-alike trajectories starting...
immediately finish scan of all type of scanning of all planets because sometimes need quickly do it (in sandbox there should be ways to get rid of any time panelty...
As title said. "Highest Position in your orbit" is the highest point in your next1 full period, and slope is local to your position, so you may then figure out...
It seems KER GUI sizing (HUD 1 and HUD 2) is only compatitable with the resolution of KSP when you installed it. When you change resolution, KER may misbehave severely....
Show example of how to use engine clustering, mount and auto-fairing. I tried to use meshes from ROEngines to build clusters (raptor test) but FAILED,however I need this(can sharply reduce...
As far as I know,FAR L/D is very awful at hypersonic speed (even if I use skylon aerodynamic shape which almost satisfied area ruling, it is still only 2 L/D...
Sometimes, when you are *traveling over **2km/s*** , some parts suddenly **heat up and explode** Note that parts **affected** are *mainly* **tail fins**, and **control surfaces behind the main wing**...