ShortcutRecorder copied to clipboard
SR_keyEventType may fail to interpret a CGEvent-based NSEvent.
Hi @Kentzo!
So, we've been trying to identify a keyboard issue with AltTab's community for a while now. Today, I analyzed new logs from a user, and I see this message in these logs:
#Error Unexpected key code 0 for the FlagsChanged event
This message is coming from ShortcutRecorder. After digging a bit, I found the log line:
I'm quite puzzled as to how this is happening. From the caller (AltTab), we call get a CGEvent
from CGEvent.tapCreate
. Then we construct a NSEvent
based on that CGEvent
let event_ = NSEvent(cgEvent: cgEvent)
Then we create a new NSEvent
based off that NSEvent
(to workaround the issue we had with calling .characters
outside the main thread; I think you remember this workaround):
let event = NSEvent.keyEvent(with: event_.type, location: event_.locationInWindow, modifierFlags: event_.modifierFlags, timestamp: event_.timestamp, windowNumber: event_.windowNumber, context: nil, characters: "", charactersIgnoringModifiers: "", isARepeat: type == .flagsChanged ? false : event_.isARepeat, keyCode: event_.keyCode)
At this point we call event.sr_keyEventType
to learn if a modifier key was went up or down. Within this method, the log line is logged.
I can't imagine why the keyCode
would be 0
. From the NSEvent header, it doesn't even seem like 0 should be a possible value:
/* Device-independent bits found in event modifier flags */
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSUInteger, NSEventModifierFlags) {
NSEventModifierFlagCapsLock = 1 << 16, // Set if Caps Lock key is pressed.
NSEventModifierFlagShift = 1 << 17, // Set if Shift key is pressed.
NSEventModifierFlagControl = 1 << 18, // Set if Control key is pressed.
NSEventModifierFlagOption = 1 << 19, // Set if Option or Alternate key is pressed.
NSEventModifierFlagCommand = 1 << 20, // Set if Command key is pressed.
NSEventModifierFlagNumericPad = 1 << 21, // Set if any key in the numeric keypad is pressed.
NSEventModifierFlagHelp = 1 << 22, // Set if the Help key is pressed.
NSEventModifierFlagFunction = 1 << 23, // Set if any function key is pressed.
// Used to retrieve only the device-independent modifier flags, allowing applications to mask off the device-dependent modifier flags, including event coalescing information.
NSEventModifierFlagDeviceIndependentFlagsMask = 0xffff0000UL
Do you have any idea how this scenario would be happening?
Originally posted by @lwouis in
let event_ = NSEvent(cgEvent: cgEvent)
AFAIK NSEvent.init(cgEvent:) returns an optional, do you check somewhere that the conversation was successful?
Can you catch that case before conversion to NSEvent and dump the CGEvent (e.g. via CGEventCreateData
)? Specifically I'm interested in kCGKeyboardEventKeycode
which can be obtained via CGEventGetIntegerValueField
Perhaps macOS may erase (or not know?) key code that caused the change. I wonder what's the value of modifierFlags
in that case.
@lwouis Were you able to resolve the issue?
@Kentzo sorry about the delay!
Here are the relevant logs:
default 22:14:57.737118-0700 AltTab keyboardHandler1: true, 12, 0
default 22:14:57.737234-0700 AltTab keyboardHandler2: 0, 0
default 22:14:57.737330-0700 AltTab #Error Unexpected key code 0 for the FlagsChanged event
Here is the code that logs:
os_log("keyboardHandler1: %{public}@, %{public}@, %{public}@",
CGEvent.tapIsEnabled(tap: eventTap!).description, type.rawValue.description, cgEvent.flags.rawValue.description)
// 10: .keydown, 11: .keyUp, 12: .flagsChanged
if type == .keyDown || type == .keyUp || type == .flagsChanged {
let event__ = NSEvent(cgEvent: cgEvent)
os_log("keyboardHandler2: %{public}@, %{public}@", event__?.modifierFlags.rawValue.description ?? "nil", event__?.keyCode.description ?? "nil")
// 256: base modifiers, 1048840: command // 48: tab, 55: command
if let event_ = NSEvent(cgEvent: cgEvent),
// workaround: NSEvent.characters is not safe outside of the main thread; this is not documented by Apple
// see
let event = NSEvent.keyEvent(with: event_.type, location: event_.locationInWindow, modifierFlags: event_.modifierFlags,
timestamp: event_.timestamp, windowNumber: event_.windowNumber, context: nil, characters: "",
charactersIgnoringModifiers: "", isARepeat: type == .flagsChanged ? false : event_.isARepeat, keyCode: event_.keyCode) {
let appWasBeingUsed =
// ShortcutRecorder handles only exact matches for modifiers-only .up shortcuts. We want to activate holdShortcut even if other modifiers are still pressed
// see
let holdShortcutAction = GeneralTab.shortcutActions["holdShortcut"]!
let holdShortcut = holdShortcutAction.shortcut!
if holdShortcut.keyCode == .none && type == .flagsChanged && event.sr_keyEventType == .up &&
event.modifierFlags.isDisjoint(with: holdShortcut.modifierFlags) {
_ = holdShortcutAction.actionHandler!(holdShortcutAction)
AFAIK NSEvent.init(cgEvent:) returns an optional, do you check somewhere that the conversation was successful?
The code does:
let event__ = NSEvent(cgEvent: cgEvent)
so event__
could indeed be nil
here. Then we log:
os_log("keyboardHandler2: %{public}@, %{public}@", event__?.modifierFlags.rawValue.description ?? "nil", event__?.keyCode.description ?? "nil")
relevant part being: event__?.modifierFlags.rawValue.description ?? "nil"
Here if event__
was nil
, it would make event__?.modifierFlags.rawValue.description
equal nil
, however we see in the logs: keyboardHandler2: 0, 0
Thus it seems that the NSEvent
initializer worked, but that we have somehow an NSEvent
which modifierFlags
and keyCode
are equal to 0
Can you catch that case before conversion to NSEvent and dump the CGEvent (e.g. via CGEventCreateData)? Specifically I'm interested in kCGKeyboardEventKeycode which can be obtained via CGEventGetIntegerValueField.
This is logged:
os_log("keyboardHandler1: %{public}@, %{public}@, %{public}@",
CGEvent.tapIsEnabled(tap: eventTap!).description, type.rawValue.description, cgEvent.flags.rawValue.description)
which produced:
default 22:14:57.737118-0700 AltTab keyboardHandler1: true, 12, 0
Here we see that the CGEvent
tap is enabled, that the type is 12
), and that the flags
attribute equals 0
Thus it seems that the NSEvent initializer worked, but that we have somehow an NSEvent which modifierFlags and keyCode are equal to 0.
What value for modifierFlags
did you expect to see?
If the information about the key is not included into event the only other option is to track modifierFlags and diff manually.
Please share the value of
Please test the workaround I just added.
My current understanding was that it's macOS which is strangely generating buggy events (with a keyCode
value of 0
which is outside the value listed in macOS SDK/docs). You're now talking about a fix in SR, so I'm a bit confused.
Please test the workaround I just added.
Could you please tell me a bit more about what this new commit goal is and how it tries to achieve it?
Could you please tell me a bit more about what this new commit goal is and how it tries to achieve it?
Since event tap installed by SRAXGlobalShortcutMonitor intercepts all keyboard events, it's possible to maintain previous state of modifier flags. That allows to calculate the difference in modifier flags even if keyCode is 0 and pick the right event type.
Even though SR is storing state to remember modifiers state, i'm worried about side-stepping the fact that the OS sends a bogus event. Like what is actually happening on the physical keyboard when the OS sends that event? Did the user even press anything in real life? Maybe it would be better to ignore these events rather than react to them with stored state. Without knowing why these exist, i don't know it it's wise to side-step them. What do you think?
I'm nervous to include update the app for this because none of these scenario happen on my machine, so i won't be able to test/observe the effects and will have to release the app to production and potentially receive many complains that this somehow broke on other people computers.
Shortcuts issue are pretty much the only remaining bug in AltTab after around 300 tickets down. They are really sneaky as they appear only on other people machines, and it's hard for me to work off of the few logs people share.
That's fair, let's conduct further testing. Can you add the following code in your tap handler where your receive CGEvent from the system:
let hasKeyCode = cgEvent.getIntegerValueField(.keyboardEventKeycode) != 0
let documentsURL = FileManager.default.url(for: .documentDirectory,
in: userDomainMask,
appropriateFor: nil,
shouldCreate: true)
let bogusCGEventURL = documentsURL.appendingPathComponent("CGEvent-\(cgEvent.timestamp)-\(hasKeyCode ? "" : "bogus-")\(ProcessInfo.processInfo.globallyUniqueString).data",
isDirectory: false)
(! as! NSData).write(to: bogusCGEventURL, atomically: true)
os_log("cgEvent is written to %{public}@", bogusCGEventURL)
Then after analyzing the data we will be able to see whether my workaround is sound.
(of course, feel free to alter the dir and name however you like)
I haven't gone around to add this snippet yet. For context, this issue only happen on other people computers, not mine. This means I have to make a local build with your changes, give it to them, hope that they are reactive enough to actually come back to me with results, and be able to explain what shortcut they pressed so we know what the logs are reflecting. This is not very easy, as I've experienced in the past.
Today I was looking at an issue where a user says the app crashes as soon as they press the modifier key. I checked their crash report, and interestingly I see:
Crashed Thread: 4 keyboardEventsThread
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
Termination Signal: Illegal instruction: 4
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x4
Terminating Process: exc handler [59159]
Application Specific Information:
BUG IN CLIENT OF LIBDISPATCH: Assertion failed: Block was expected to execute on queue []
is the thread where a runloop processes keyboard inputs. As a reminder, this is not processed on the main thread so that this background thread is able to update some booleans, that blocks running on the main thread check frequently to see if they should abort their work. That way we can have a really fast shortcut which starts computing the UI on the main thread, but then when the shortcut release is very quickly sent and processed on the background thread, it will set the boolean, and the main thread will check it after a few steps, and abort showing the UI, resulting in a snappy UX.
Looking into that keyboardEventsThread
thread, we see:
Thread 4 Crashed:: keyboardEventsThread
0 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff714498f1 _dispatch_assert_queue_fail + 99
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x00007fff71449886 dispatch_assert_queue + 122
2 0x00007fff36063dd2 islGetInputSourceListWithAdditions + 119
3 0x00007fff36063d33 TSMGetInputSourceCountWithFilteredAdditions + 35
4 0x00007fff36062c0f TISCreateInputSourceList + 89
5 0x00007fff36062b3f CopyInputSourceRefForInputSourceID + 89
6 0x00007fff36246f0f TSMProcessIronwoodSessionAction_WithInfo + 61
7 0x00007fff3606f87d CreateEventWithCGEvent + 451
8 0x00007fff349fd56a +[NSEvent eventWithCGEvent:] + 63
9 com.lwouis.alt-tab-macos 0x000000010256a8e6 specialized keyboardHandler(proxy:type:cgEvent:userInfo:) + 134
10 com.lwouis.alt-tab-macos 0x000000010256a841 @objc keyboardHandler(proxy:type:cgEvent:userInfo:) + 33
11 0x00007fff66778be4 processEventTapData(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned char*, unsigned int) + 631
It seems to me like CreateEventWithCGEvent
internally relies on running on the main thread. From that observation, I'm starting to wonder if some of these instability issues are the result of data races. In this thread here, we saw an event with keyCode 0
. However that's not from the CGEvent
, that's from the NSEvent
. It's possible that the constructor NSEvent(cgEvent: cgEvent)
has data-races internally, and that sometimes it works, sometimes it crashes (as in, and sometimes it has corrupted values like 0 (default UInt value) for some of its fields.
There is no clear documentation from apple stating what is thread safe or not, but we have seen issues in the past like the .characters
accessors. I also found this thread here, where the author of this graphics libraries explains that all Cocoa event processing is not thread safe.
What do you think about this theory?
What do you think about this theory?
Being not thread safe is one thing, being main thread only is another. Apple's API by default is not thread safe but not main thread ony unless documented otherwise. It's sometimes hard to unwind documentation because an API that's otherwise not documented as main-thread-only may have such dependency somewhere inside.
CGEvent.h has the following to say about Event Taps:
The event tap callback runs from the CFRunLoop to which the tap CFMachPort is added as a source. Thread safety is defined by the CFRunLoop and its environment.
You thus should make sure that -[SRAXGlobalShortcutMonitor initWithRunLoop:]
is called in a thread-safe manner with respect to the loop. Apple's documentation has the following to say about NSRunLoop's thread safety:
The NSRunLoop class is generally not considered to be thread-safe and its methods should only be called within the context of the current thread. You should never try to call the methods of an NSRunLoop object running in a different thread, as doing so might cause unexpected results.
It seems to me like CreateEventWithCGEvent internally relies on running on the main thread.
Perhaps you're initializing the monitor from a non-main thread with a run loop of the main thread?
I think you misunderstood my theory. I'm not saying that there is an issue with access to the NSRunLoop
class. The loop is started correctly, and runs smoothly.
The issue, I believe, lies with what's being processed in that run loop. Namely, there are calls to NSEvent(cgEvent: cgEvent)
. I think that, even though it's not documented, this constructor needs to be called on the main thread. I think inside of this constructor, there are method that are main-thread only. That's why we see this call to islGetInputSourceListWithAdditions
generate a call to dispatch_assert_queue
which fails and is the reason the whole crash happens.
Moreover, I'm suggesting that perhaps certain code paths lead to that crash, while other paths (depending on data-races due to the internal state stored by Cocoa) may be the reason why the keyCode
was 0
in this thread's OP, and also a similar issue as we've seen when calling .characters
You're likely right. I will have to remove NSEvent-related API from the SRAXGlobalShortcutMonitor's handler.
Please take a look (it's a force push).
@lwouis Do you have any feedback before I merge this?
Hey @Kentzo! Very sorry about my lack of feedback. I haven't been able to test this yet. Tickets have been pilling up like crazy over at AltTab, and I haven't had time to:
- Update the ShortcutRecorder version/commit
- Migrate to
(I'm still using my own code which I feel is going to be hard to port without regression) - Test while somehow getting the data-races necessary to get in the crash-prone code paths within Cocoa
We have also unveiled that the biggest issue with keyboard input not working was in fact Secure Input. The issue outlined in this ticket is minor in comparison. I've been experimenting with private APIs which work-around Secure Input. That would however mean I can't use SRAXGlobalShortcutMonitor
which is another reason I have put the migration on hold for the time being.
I'm really sorry for the lack on reactivity on my part. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the volume of tickets I'm getting. I closed 25 tickets in the past 2 weeks. I also added a crash report system, so now I have a whole bunch of crash reports to analyze in AppCenter.
I'll keep you updated regarding my work on the Secure Input workaround. That's a big usability issue for users. Some users just turn on their VPN and bam the event taps don't receive anything anymore. I can't use the Carbon APIs either as they have limitations. I have to go for private APIs, or add some UI to notify users that AltTab is disabled because another app is using Secure Events. If I go for the UI, I'll migrate to SRAXGlobalShortcutMonitor
That would however mean I can't use SRAXGlobalShortcutMonitor which is another reason I have put the migration on hold for the time being.
I can always add an additional target to the project with whatever private mangling needed.
I assumed you would not be open to include private APIs, as that would prevent users from using the framework for a MAS-friendly app. Or maybe there is a way to flag it so it adds that code only with certain xcode flags, so that project that want it can have it, and other project can avoid the private API linking and calling?
Can be done via either a compile-time flag or a separate, extended, target.
@lwouis I saw that you closed a related issue in your project. Do you think any of your changes can be re-integrated with ShortcutRecorder?
Sorry I should have updated this ticket already.
There are 2 topics i think here.
keyboard input processing outside of the main thread
Using the CGEvent.createTap
, I was able to have keyboard input being processed off the main thread, so that main thread UI work can be stopped if a keyboard input is sent in the middle of let's say an animation.
This approach was great, however it may be that some CGEvent or NSEvent objects have bugs when processed outside the main thread. I haven't been able to go to the bottom of this though.
What I've done for AltTab
The big issue with the CGEvent API is that is doesn't read inputs when SecureInput is enabled, which for some users can be all the time from a corporate VPN or antivirus, effectively breaking AltTab for this users completely.
Thus i moved away from this API to the deprecated carbon APIs. I'm using a mix of multiple carbon APIs to process shortcuts, even modifiers-only shortcuts.
I think the takeaway for SR, if any, would be to mimic my strategy to implement modifiers-only shortcuts using the carbon APIs. I can detail it more if you're interested
Please give me the details. I believe that ShortcutMonitor is generic enough for any underlying API.
The main carbon API is InstallEventHandler
. It lets us listen to certain keyboard events. The ones we are interested in are: keyDown/keyUp, modifiersChanged, hotKeyPressed.
It may seem like the easiest way to do shortcut recording would be to listen to keyDown/keyUp + modifiersChanged. The issue here is that keyDown/keyUp stop sending events when SecureInput is enabled by some app, or the OS itself (e.g. many users reported a long-standing bug where macOS loginwindow
keeps SecureInput enabled after login in the user session, which completely breaks the experience until next logout > login). Thus we have to use hotKeyPressed instead.
We can't use only hotKeyPressed though, as its API doesn't accept no keyCode, so we can't have modifiers-only shortcuts, which I wanted to support (#114). The trick is to combine hotKeyPressed with modifiersChanged. Another layer of complexity is that I want the shortcuts to also work when the app is active, but the InstallEventHandler
only sends events when the app is inactive. Thus I also need to use the NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEvents
To recap:
- If you want SR to support modifiers-only shortcuts, you need to add an
for modifiersChanged - You may want to add an option so that global shortcuts work when the app is active or passive, with only 1 API used by the user (i.e. no extra
code repeating theGlobalShortcutMonitor
code). In that case you would add an extraNSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEvents
Things to keep in mind:
- To my knowledge, there is no way to receive the callbacks from
outside the main thread, so that's a rough limitation.CGEvent.createTap
doesn't suffer from that (but suffers from SecureInput). - I have added code to be efficient so that if the user is not using any non-modifier shortcuts, I remove the event handler for modifierChanged completely. Same for hotKeyPressed, if there are none, I remove the listener all together.
The full implementation code is pretty short, maybe 100 lines. I suggest you check it as reference if you want more details like exact parameters for the API calls, or how I clean up the handlers if they are no longer necessary.
I hope that helps!
Do you know if InstallEventHandler requires the accessibility permission for modifiersChanged?
I didn't test clearly during development, as AltTab needs the permission anyway to operate, but I noted:
seems to not require the Accessibility permission, contrary toGetEventMonitorTarget
So, not sure really, but it seems to depend on what exactly is being observed. More tests would be needed to make sure what requires permissions exactly.