phpio icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
phpio copied to clipboard

PHP class for batch file processing. You can read, write, delete, move. All in pretty object.


Contains class for manipulation with files. It is simple wrapper over internal functions, but in pretty object form.

Build Status


We suppose:

$files = new \Kedrigern\phpIO\Files();

Cat all *.txt files and after delete them:

$cat = function($file) {
	echo "Filename: $file \n";
	echo file_get_contents($file);
	echo "\n";


Write "Some data" to all *.txt files and after move them to the directory archive. If files are not writable throw exception with description of problem (exact file, privileges etc.)

$fill = function($file) {
	file_put_contents($file, "Some data.");

$files->dir('*.txt')->writeable()->call($fill)->move('archive', true);

Sum numbers from files (with num sufix):

$parseIntFromFile = function($file) {
	return intval(file_get_contents($file));

$postSum = function($results) {
	return array_sum($results);

$files->dir('*.num')->call($parseIntFromFile, $postSum, $log);

// now $log['post'] contains sum

Install and tests

composer install
vendor/bin/tester -c test/ test/

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