
Results 19 comments of KayShelton

@wcarthur as requested a diff of TrackGenerator.py. Note I have added a fair few print statements too, to allow me to figure out what was going on. Also added is...

I am unable to get ExecuteEvaluate to run in parallel with the new mpi4py implementation. The other modules (TrackGenerator, ExecuteWindfield) do seem to work OK in parallel though. Happy to...

Note, further to this, the processTracks function within the CreateDatabase module uses the same parallel implementation as ExecuteEvaluate, and also fails to process. The other functions to populate the hazard...

Running TCRM v3.0.1 with IBTrACS V4 falls over due to 1986226N30276 26/08/1986 12:00:00 longitude being beyond the maximum longitude in the grid. _lonLat function in DataProcess.py fails due to dependency...

To properly handle the IBTrACS V4 dataset, the dataProcessing code requires tweaking. Positions are generally supplied every 3 hours in the new IBTrACS, but pressure data is only available at...

Note for the implemented validProfile check, this shouldn't be done if the validSize check returns False. TCRM will crash doing the validProfile check after validSize return False due to rMax

I have implemented the additional check posted above (to not do validProfile if validSize returns False), however TCRM is still failing when doing my windprofiles. To debug, I have added...

Working through this issue, there is a missing unit conversion in metutils.convert (see https://github.com/GeoscienceAustralia/tcrm/issues/94), contributing to the failure of the windfield module, in addition to an error in the validProfile...

@andrewrech and @MrDotOne I am running into a similar issue. Just wondered if you have tried installing gdal (in step 1 of https://github.com/hrbrmstr/ggalt/issues/22#issuecomment-370530510)? I am resisting installing gdal as I...