Kaveen Kumarasinghe
Kaveen Kumarasinghe
Sorry, I meant how can we fetch the GPTPineconeIndex object again, not the actual internal pinecone vector collection, do we save the GPTPineconeIndex to disk and load from disk like...
Got it! so, if we use a pinecone index like this, when we "save it to file", we're not actually saving the actual vectors and text to file right? That...
Basically, I want to be able to store and retrieve these pineconeindex objects across restarts of the program, I want them to be persistently accessible and reference-able, is that possible?
If I don't pass the index in explicitly with pinecone and just pass in the main pinecone_index, will it retrieve the corresponding data from pinecone using the .json? When queries...
got it! re the pinecone point, is this something that's on your sights for the future? It would be awesome to be able to quickly retrieve indexes persistently that are...
Thanks! and thanks for your time. I use your library heavily over on a project of mine, is there any way I can contribute in a way like a github...
I will add this as a feature in the future!
@ObiAU Hey! It hasn't been looked into yet, would be great if you can take a look! This is something I think could be solved with some sort of latex...
@AndrewsPanda Yeah sounds great! If you want to get started on a PR with what you can do, I will build on top of it and finish/polish it up! This...
Thanks for surfacing this! This project is out of active feature development, but I am willing to support this effort if anyone is willing to pick it up!