nw-model-miner copied to clipboard
The datatables are being extracted properly, but I keep getting this error when it moves onto the models, not sure whats causing this to happen. `TypeError: Cannot read properties of...
So, I prepared all requirements (put them in %WINDIR%\system32 to ensure they are in path). ``` D:\nw-model-miner-master>node nw-model-miner.mjs "D:\Games\steamapps\common\New World\assets" Extracting datasheets.. finished in 7104ms Converting datasheets.. finished in 2132ms...
Hi there ! been trying to make it work for hours and still can't find why it doesn't work :(. i'm just trying to get that T5 heavy armor /...
I have the problem, that the glob will always return an empty array of string. nw-model-miner.mjs `const pakFilePaths = await globby(assetsPath + '/**/*.pak');`
Has anyone got this working on Windows 11? No matter what I do I cant even get NodeJS to even start the script. I have everything unpacked from the files,...
D:\UTILITES\python>node nw-model-miner.mjs "D:\NWpak" Extracting datasheets.. finished in 9442ms Converting datasheets.. finished in 4371ms Dumping headers.. finished in 33598ms file:///D:/UTILITES/python/models/extract-and-assemble.mjs:82 -----------------------------model: itemAppearanceDefinition.skin1, -(i placed - symbol so it shows as in...
Im not good at code, and i dont understand half of what writed in readme, nor i dont understand what i need to do to extract-convert models from paks to...