Kathleen Labrie
Kathleen Labrie
Version: `release/3.1.x` This is GMOS LS N&S. The apertures are found and defined nicely. The trace works really well for a while, nice and tight, and then there's a sharp...
Currently there is a quick fix in `gempy/utils/logutils.py` where we just blanket-filter the duplicate warnings: ` add_filter(DuplicateWarningFilter, log)` We need to find a better solution. From Chris: > IIRC, we...
For GMOS LS, `distortionCorrect` triples the required memory. There might be a way to do better From Chris - What is going on right now. > `distortionCorrect()` for GMOS (which...
Version: `release/3.1.x` branch. `--qa` only (this is MOS) Never seen this before. When the following recipe is run on N20070718S0095.fits (GMOS-N EEV, N&S MOS), the measureIQ display puts the 3...
Branch: release/3.1.x `measureIQ` for N&S issues warning and cannot find any good sources. Used to work. Not urgent, I'm not holding 3.1 for this, but it should be looked at...
Data: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Zwb-_Q2lNrRZZ-mZj0H7Go5Lxl6n1txM?usp=sharing Kill an adcc and start fresh (`adcc >> adcclog 2>1& &`) Load in browser: `http://localhost:8777/qapspec/specviewer.html` ``` reduce -r plotSpectraForQA N20180304S0121_extracted.fits reduce -r plotSpectraForQA N20181210S0045_extracted.fits reduce -r plotSpectraForQA N20180521S0101_extracted.fits...
The primitive display (as `reduce -r display blah.fits`) runs the full `addDQ` on raw data. This forces a request for a BPM and a calibration association (even a download if...
This issue records problems or strange behavior of `findApertures`. The problems recorded here are not issues that need resolving immediately but rather examples to use to improve the performance of...
Just a note so that we don't forget. It was found today (by Chris) that specutils 1.5 breaks 3.0.x. While that gets sorted out (probably a big job), the workaround...
For alignment, the first frame in the list is used as the reference frame by `adjustWCSToReference`. If using the sources to do the alignment, then when no good sources are...