Kathleen Labrie
Kathleen Labrie
I start ds9, I start Python. Then import imexam, and list_active_ds9(), and nothing, no active sessions registered. ``` (geminiconda) klabrie$ ds9& [1] 2881 (geminiconda) klabrie$ python Python 2.7.15 |Anaconda, Inc.|...
I've looked in the 0.9.1 documentation and I can't figure out how to delete regions. My use case is that I need to delete all regions, but I'm also curious...
imexam won't import with astropy v6. (python 3.10) ``` >>> import imexam Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/Users/klabrie/condaenvs/susd3.10_20240130/lib/python3.10/site-packages/imexam/__init__.py", line 10, in from ._astropy_init import...
In imexam/ginga_viewer.py, line 24 in commit b397573, there this line that fails: ``` wcsmod.use('AstropyWCS') ``` I believe that it should be: ``` wcsmod.use('astropy') ``` It does fix the import failure,...
This happens with DRAGONS v3.2 (probably happens with previous versions too). `reduce S20240410S0025_aperturesFound.fits -p aperture_growth=10 order=1 hsigma=2.5 function=chebyshev regions=[960:1000,1130:1170] interactive=True -r skyCorrectFromSlit` ``` PRIMITIVE: skyCorrectFromSlit ----------------------------- /Users/klabrie/condaenvs/susd3.10_20240130/lib/python3.10/site-packages/astropy/modeling/fitting.py:763: RuntimeWarning: invalid value...
One file from GMOS-S new 2023 CCDs crashes in `determineAstrometricSolution`. Branch: `release/3.2.x` commit: 23fb519d3c. To reproduce: `reduce -r determineAstrometricSolution S20231223S0118_refcatAdded.fits` File in: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dMvTHqCUJmIhv_RgWzzq3VaVZqOmnpxs?usp=drive_link (NOIRLab Staff only) The trace: ``` Aligning...
`findApertures` fails to correctly identify the sources in an aligned and stacked ABBA 2-D spectrum. The negative images appear to be fooling the algorithm. See screenshot for the interactive window...
When trying to `caldb add` a user BPM, nothing happens. `caldb add` does not add the user BPM. This is good, that is the desired behavior (I have evidence that...
The NIRI `makeProcessedBPM` requires a list of flats and a list of short darks. In the output BPM, the PROVENANCE table shows the flats but it does not show the...
The astrodata multiply method fails with astropy 5.3. It does not fail on a raw file, so it has to be something to do with either the variance or the...