Kathleen Labrie

Results 24 issues of Kathleen Labrie

I start ds9, I start Python. Then import imexam, and list_active_ds9(), and nothing, no active sessions registered. ``` (geminiconda) klabrie$ ds9& [1] 2881 (geminiconda) klabrie$ python Python 2.7.15 |Anaconda, Inc.|...

I've looked in the 0.9.1 documentation and I can't figure out how to delete regions. My use case is that I need to delete all regions, but I'm also curious...

imexam won't import with astropy v6. (python 3.10) ``` >>> import imexam Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/Users/klabrie/condaenvs/susd3.10_20240130/lib/python3.10/site-packages/imexam/__init__.py", line 10, in from ._astropy_init import...

In imexam/ginga_viewer.py, line 24 in commit b397573, there this line that fails: ``` wcsmod.use('AstropyWCS') ``` I believe that it should be: ``` wcsmod.use('astropy') ``` It does fix the import failure,...

This happens with DRAGONS v3.2 (probably happens with previous versions too). `reduce S20240410S0025_aperturesFound.fits -p aperture_growth=10 order=1 hsigma=2.5 function=chebyshev regions=[960:1000,1130:1170] interactive=True -r skyCorrectFromSlit` ``` PRIMITIVE: skyCorrectFromSlit ----------------------------- /Users/klabrie/condaenvs/susd3.10_20240130/lib/python3.10/site-packages/astropy/modeling/fitting.py:763: RuntimeWarning: invalid value...

One file from GMOS-S new 2023 CCDs crashes in `determineAstrometricSolution`. Branch: `release/3.2.x` commit: 23fb519d3c. To reproduce: `reduce -r determineAstrometricSolution S20231223S0118_refcatAdded.fits` File in: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dMvTHqCUJmIhv_RgWzzq3VaVZqOmnpxs?usp=drive_link (NOIRLab Staff only) The trace: ``` Aligning...

bug :bug:
component - gempy

`findApertures` fails to correctly identify the sources in an aligned and stacked ABBA 2-D spectrum. The negative images appear to be fooling the algorithm. See screenshot for the interactive window...

severity-critical :boom:
component - gemini

When trying to `caldb add` a user BPM, nothing happens. `caldb add` does not add the user BPM. This is good, that is the desired behavior (I have evidence that...


The NIRI `makeProcessedBPM` requires a list of flats and a list of short darks. In the output BPM, the PROVENANCE table shows the flats but it does not show the...

bug :bug:
component - infrastructure

The astrodata multiply method fails with astropy 5.3. It does not fail on a raw file, so it has to be something to do with either the variance or the...

bug :bug:
error :face_with_head_bandage:
severity-critical :boom:
component - astrodata