receive_sharing_intent copied to clipboard
chat from whatsapp is missing
Hi, @xal @danReynolds @nrikiji @KasemJaffer,
I want to share with you my problem with this library. My goal is to create a demo app that receives a chat (with images or video and text) from whatsapp. The issue is that I don't receive anything. I'm working and testing with my Android Device, a Samsung A50 (Android 11). If I try to share images, videos from the gallery then this plugin works correctly, also when I try to share text it works correctly, but if I try to share my chat from the export chat of WhatsApp, then the plugin doesn't receive anything.
Could you please help me? Could you please give me some advice?
Thank you in advance, Giacomo.
- Explore whats app api documentation, find 'export chat' entity type, I think it should be raw text or data like json
- Explore plugin java/kotlin code. Add print to log in all methods in chain
I have similar issues with iOS and exploring swift code + logging worked for me to be able work with custom group id
Hi @xal,
Thank you very much!
I'll try it!
@Giacomo1993 I was wondering the same thing. Have you found a solution yet?
@benhlr @xal @KasemJaffer @danReynolds
The problem is that when I export chat from Whatsapp If I want to share Images, text, or both together the Intent is built with IntentType = "text/*" and IntentAction = "SEND_MULTIPLE".
So, I believe that the code of this library isn't compatible with Export Chat from Whatsapp.
You can see the images below. I took these snapshots from debugging my app after the chat's export.
This is the HandleIntent function on this library for android side:
private fun handleIntent(intent: Intent, initial: Boolean) { when { (intent.type?.startsWith("text") != true) && (intent.action == Intent.ACTION_SEND || intent.action == Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE) -> { // Sharing images or videos
val value = getMediaUris(intent)
if (initial) initialMedia = value
latestMedia = value
(intent.type == null || intent.type?.startsWith("text") == true)
&& intent.action == Intent.ACTION_SEND -> { // Sharing text
val value = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT)
if (initial) initialText = value
latestText = value
intent.action == Intent.ACTION_VIEW -> { // Opening URL
val value = intent.dataString
if (initial) initialText = value
latestText = value
As you can see, The intent from whatsapp chat doesn't work with this structure.
Could you please make some modifies to this structure in order to make it available for my goal?
Thank you in advance, Giacomo.