IP-Tracker copied to clipboard
Track anyone's IP just opening a link!
Track IP with tricky link!
[+] Description
IP-Tracker is a tool that simply take a website as input and generate a phishing link. That phishing link looks normal; if anyone opens the link his/her ip will be captured and he/she will be redirected to the website taken as input.
This project is now a part of MaxPhisher. Further bug fixes and feature addition will be available in that
[+] Installation
git clone https://github.com/KasRoudra/IP-Tracker
cd IP-Tracker
bash ip.sh
Or run directly
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KasRoudra/IP-Tracker/main/ip.sh && bash ip.sh
[+] Features
- Tricky link
- Concurrent triple tunneling (Ngrok, Cloudflared and Loclx)
- Redirect to website according to wish
- Get many details along with ip like location, geolocation
sudo docker pull kasroudra/ip-tracker
sudo docker run --rm -it kasroudra/ip-tracker
[+] Previews
Waiting for victim to open link
After victim opened link
[+] Dependencies
[*] Usage
Usage: bash ip.sh [-h] [-o OPTION] [-U URL] [-p PORT] [-t TUNNELER] [-u] [-nu]
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-o OPTION, --option OPTION Index of the template
-p PORT, --port PORT Port of IP-Tracker's Server (Default: 8080)
-t TUNNELER, --tunneler TUNNELER Name of the tunneler for url shortening (Default: cloudflared)
-U URL, --url URL URL to be redirected
--update(-u), --no-update (-nu) Check for update (Default: true)
All necessary dependencies will be automatically installed on first run!
[+] Disclaimer
This tool is developed for educational purposes. Here it demonstrates how ip-trackers work. If anybody wants to gain unauthorized access to someones IP-Address, he/she may try out this at his/her own risk. You have your own responsibilities and you are liable to any damage or violation of laws by this tool. The author is not responsible for any misuse of IP-Tracker!