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Triple keyboard layout and a ton more custom stuff

DotA 2 Space Modifier: A Single Hotkey, not a Script


What is this?

A single hotkey that allows for this (triple keyboard layouts). It unlocks the entire WINDOWS modifier key in DotA 2 and rebinds it to SPACE. This allows for a second modifier for use in triple keyboard layouts. Previously, Loopuleasa's master branch was broken by Valve's limits to autoexec.cfg in the May 24th, 2016 patch. This project is a fork of the former and restores most of its functionality by utilizing just one AHK bind (a few optional ones are available for read in the " Source code " folder):

~*Space::ControlSend, , {LWin Down}, Dota 2 
*Space Up::Send {LWin Up}

Simply put, this hotkey hides all down key presses of the left Windows key from the operating system and ALL applications EXCEPT dota2.exe. SPACE retains full functionality. This hotkey is all that is needed to make SPACE into a modifier just like ALT. This is because Valve already had the WINDOWS keys setup to work as modifiers. The only reason they could not be utilized before was because Windows shortcuts would "Alt-tab" the user out of DotA. This single rebind to SPACE fixes the issue.

To Install

Only Supported on Windows Operating Systems

  1. Place D2SpaceModifier.exe inside of the " %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup " folder. Optionally and if AutoHotKey is installed, use the .ahk inside the " Source code " folder instead.

  2. Place the autoexec.cfg inside of " Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg " and overwrite if necessary.

  3. Select a triple keyboard layout from the numbered folders or create a custom one. I recommend my personal layout.

  4. Place the " 570 " folder inside of " Steam\userdata[Your 9 digit Steam ID here] " and overwrite.

  5. Restart the computer. D2SpaceModifier.exe will run in the background but will be inactive unless DotA 2 is running and "Alt-tabbed" into.

  6. Launch DotA 2 and customize. I manually tick the following options in-game as they cannot be transfered in config files:

    • Shop Search Gets Focus Upon Open
    • Use Extra Large Minimap
    • Display Network Information
    • Enable console
    • Bring Dota 2 to front when match found
    • Bring Dota 2 to front when pick phase begins

    Note: The SPACE modifier reads WINDOWS in-game.

To Uninstall

  1. Delete the files pasted in the " Game ", " 570 ", and " StartUp " folders.

  2. Reset the keybinds.

Known Bugs

  1. Self-cast abilities which are auto-castable are self-casted when the auto-cast hotkey is pressed. Only affects Ogre Magi, Lich, and neutral troll priests. This is a Valve bug.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does double-tap to self-cast or change wards not work?

That is intended behaviour for this super compact layout inorder to prevent miscasts. Alt+Key should do self-cast or switch wards. Furthermore, double-tap self cast is impossible if you are using quick casts.

This was done by reducing the self cast timeout tolerance to zero. The way double-taping works now is by using the Smart Double-Tap in-game option (hold Alt and press an item or ability's hotkey).

Are the keys rebindable in-game?

The binds of almost everything can be changed using the default in-game UI.

A few keys require edits to user_keys.vcfg in the " Steam\userdata[Your 9 digit Steam ID here]\570 " folder.

Does CAPSLOCK still do what it usually does, even if it's a keybind?

No, the fifth line disables CAPSLOCK. It can stil be bound using the in-game UI.

How do I pick a modifier other than SPACE?

AHK must be installed. Edit D2SpaceModifier.ahk in the " Source Code " folder by replacing the word "Space" in the third and fourth lines with whatever key you want such as "x" (here is a list of some keys with unique names). Place the edited script in the " StartUp " folder instead of the .exe (or compile a new executable). Restart the computer and finish installation and tweaking as usual.

Why is Roshan quiet?

It is easier to hear enemy units whilst killing Rosh. You can change this by editing the first line of autoexec.cfg to

dota_silent_roshan	0

Why do some of my commands not trigger?

That must be because of your non-standard keyboard. You should consider changing your keyboard layout to standard English in Windows options.

Is this bannable?

Remember, this is not a script. It is one hotkey that allows dota2.exe to see the Windows key press whilst blocking it from the OS and every other application. I have played 1000+ games and have not been banned. There exists AHK scripts that are bannable, but those are much more than a hotkey rebind.

Do you personally use the .ahk or .exe?

I used the .ahk during development and the executable in post-development, long-term testing.

Can the Windows key be disabled using registry edits and then used as a modifier?

The dota2.exe will not be able to see the key press.

Made a cool keyboard layout and want to share it?

Contact me on reddit at u/karrandalf, and I might add it to the main repository, crediting you. If you know how to use git, just fork this repo and request a merge using a pull request.