
Results 55 comments of Karl

You might want to look into this for historical weather data from Wunderground [The Weather Scraper](https://github.com/Karlheinzniebuhr/the-weather-scraper)

Sure, https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/api/pandas.DataFrame.merge.html under parameters: `how: outer`

Not working, works on the first execution but fails to keep running in the background

Found the same issue https://github.com/ranaroussi/yfinance/issues/1075 were you able to solve this @JamesPooleFX ?

I'm getting this error when sending ``` params={ 'symbol': SYMBOL_TO_TRADE, 'side': tp_sl_side, 'quantity': str(quantity), 'price': str(tp_price), 'stopPrice': str(tp_stop_price), 'stopLimitPrice': str(sl_price), 'stopLimitTimeInForce':'GTC', 'isIsolated': isIsolated, 'sideEffectType': 'MARGIN_BUY' } oco_order = cls.client._post('margin/order/oco', True,...

> Margin OCO is not support from Binance API yet. Is this supported now?

Were you able to resolve this? I'm trying to listen to user data streams while listening to market data at the same time

> **Describe the bug** --Trying to CACCEL OCO order with following commands result = client.cancel_order(symbol=TRADE_SYMBOL,orderListId=10035) --it seems issue with orderListId argument. logs for OCO order (pasted in the last) showing...

You can get the open OCO orders with get_open_margin_orders(). What I haven't yet figured out is how to cancel an OCO order with cancel_margin_oco_order()

[Here](https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/issues/7195#issuecomment-650705896) is an explanation but I wasn't able to apply it yet to python-binance. Did you solve it?