The crash is not a crash but a SIGINT which gerbera got. I cannot see where it comes from. Some security in the container. The containers are without debug symbol...
I just prepared a Dockerfile that builds a docker image locally. [Dockerfile.zip](https://github.com/gerbera/gerbera/files/9558620/Dockerfile.zip) Just copy it to the source root directory and run `docker build -t gerbera-debug . -f Dockerfile.debug`
Seems that on abort the TV sends a corrupted setBookmark request. I'll create a PR with stabilised code and then we can look at the remaining issues again.
See PR #2706
I tried to reproduce the crash on the XML content by creating a test, but failed. I ask you to add the attached code to your environment which may work...
Can you try commenting out the following line: https://github.com/gerbera/gerbera/blob/c4c4e66e52bac37a2ef7a2729a9d69e78ab171db/src/action_request.cc#L77
So it seems that there is more to the request than we can see. That means: Can you try to cut the request with wireshark or tcpdump that we see...
Just send me an email with the capture attached.
Yes, I received it. You forgot to send extra time to understand the issue :smile:
I just switched the container to alpine 3.16 and got some messages on the dependency from `ffmpegthumbnailer `to `libav*`. Maybe you can take a look at the new HEAD (it...