FullDLLUnhooking_CSharp copied to clipboard
Unhook DLL via cleaning the DLL 's .text section
Blog link: Not gonna update
A project fully unhook a DLL via file mapping to bypass EDR's inline hook.
Base on my other projects down below:
Just load a fresh copy of a DLL on disk, and copy the DLL's .text section to unhook.
- Load a fresh new copy of ntdll.dll via file mapping.
- Get current process's hooked DLL address. (HookNtdll_address in Program.cs)
- Load the copy into memory and get a "BaseAddress".(FleshNtdll_address in Program.cs)
- Use the "BaseAddress" to find IMAGE_FILE_HEADER's address.
- Iterate all section via "IMAGE_FILE_HEADER_instance.NumberOfSections"
If a section contains ".text", replace the whole section from the clean copy base on the section's RVA.
:) not my pic~
Tested on Win10/x64 works fine, to works on x86 you may need some modification about finding the IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER address.
After unhooking you could do other stuff. enjoy~ :)
- Just launch through a white-list application
I use another project(https://github.com/Kara-4search/HookDetection_CSharp) to test this.
Before unhook, detect the hooking status.
Unhooking the DLL
Detect again
- You could see the APIs have been unhooked
- Although highly effective at detecting functions hooked with inline patching, this method returns a few false positives when enumerating hooked functions inside ntdll.dll, such as: False Positives
The above functions are not hooked.
TO-DO list
- To works on x86
- Maybe even unhook other DLL in userland.
Update history
Reference link:
1. https://blog.csdn.net/qq_42253797/article/details/105090943
2. https://blog.csdn.net/jiangqin115/article/details/79757041
3. https://blog.csdn.net/huninglei3333/article/details/78725725
4. https://idiotc4t.com/defense-evasion/reload-ntdll-.text-section
5. https://www.ired.team/offensive-security/defense-evasion/how-to-unhook-a-dll-using-c++
6. https://makosecblog.com/malware-dev/dll-unhooking-csharp/
7. http://pinvoke.net/default.aspx/Structures.IMAGE_DOS_HEADER
8. https://github.com/MakoSec
9. https://github.com/TheWover/DInvoke
10. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/psapi/nf-psapi-getmoduleinformation
11. https://blog.csdn.net/qingzai_/article/details/76919402
12. https://blog.csdn.net/tianxiayijia1998/article/details/50119435
13. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2658380/how-can-i-copy-unmanaged-data-in-c-sharp-and-how-fast-is-it/43589444