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The source code for the Dash annotations server

Dash Annotations Server

Follow these instructions if you want to set up your own annotation server for Dash.


  • Install Lumen
  • Add a MySQL database called "annotations"
  • Clone this repo over your Lumen install
  • Rename the .env.example file to .env and edit it
  • Run composer install
  • Install Python and Pygments (used for syntax highlighting)
    • Make sure /bin/pygmentize exists. If it doesn't, add a link between /bin/pygmentize to wherever you installed Pygments
  • Run php artisan migrate and type Y to confirm you want to do it in production
  • Open http://{your_server}/users/logout in your browser and check if you get a JSON response that says you're not logged in
  • Let Dash know about your server by running this command in Terminal:
# Repeat on every Mac that will connect to your server:
defaults write com.kapeli.dashdoc AnnotationsCustomServer "http(s)://{your_server}"

# To go back to the default server:
defaults delete com.kapeli.dashdoc AnnotationsCustomServer


  • Clone this repo
  • Build the image: docker-compose build
  • Generate your GitHub Token and add it to docker-compose.yml
  • Set your APP_KEY in docker-compose.yml
  • Start the service: docker-compose up -d
  • Add ProxyNginx.conf to your nginx sites and edit your server_name
  • Open http://dash.{your_server}/users/logout in your browser and check if you get a JSON response that says you're not logged in
  • Let Dash know about your server by running this command in Terminal:
# Repeat on every Mac that will connect to your server:
defaults write com.kapeli.dashdoc AnnotationsCustomServer "http(s)://dash.{your_server}"

# To go back to the default server:
defaults delete com.kapeli.dashdoc AnnotationsCustomServer



  • Clone this repo

  • Create remote for dokku: git remote add dokku dokku@{your_server}:dash

  • Create the app: ssh -t dokku@{your_server} create dash

  • Create the database: ssh -t dokku@{your_server} mariadb:create dash-db

  • Link database: ssh -t dokku@{your_server} mariadb:link dash dash-db

  • Get the database credentials: ssh -t dokku@{your_server} mariadb:info dash dash-db

  • Create environmental variables:

    sh -t dokku@{your_server} config:set dash \
    PP_ENV=production \
    PP_KEY=SomeRandomKey! \
    PP_LOCALE=en \
    ACHE_DRIVER=file \
    B_CONNECTION=mysql \
    B_DATABASE=dash-db \
    B_HOST=mariadb \
    B_PASSWORD=YourPassword \
    B_USERNAME=dash \
    UEUE_DRIVER=file \
  • Push to dokku: git push dokku dokku:master

  • Get your server's URL: ssh -t dokku@{your_server} url dash

  • Open http://dash.{your_server}/users/logout in your browser and check if you get a JSON response that says you're not logged in

  • Let Dash know about your server by running this command in Terminal:

# Repeat on every Mac that will connect to your server:
defaults write com.kapeli.dashdoc AnnotationsCustomServer "http(s)://dash.{your_server}"

# To go back to the default server:
defaults delete com.kapeli.dashdoc AnnotationsCustomServer