Hi, I try to train NVC-Net on single gpu, but I meet some errors as follows: value error in query /home/gitlab-runner/builds/jmdP2aBr/1/nnabla/builders/all/nnabla/include/nbla/function_registry.hpp:69 Failed `it != items_.end()`: Any of [cudnn:float, cuda:float, cpu:float]...
Hi,thanks for sharing pre-trained models. But I have met some problems as follows: I followed the sample code on this page: https://github.com/microsoft/unilm/tree/master/wavlm ,but I got abnormal layer results with the...
Hi Kun, I have read this paper and tried to train this network, but I meet some questions as follows: 1. I cant find the implementation of TextMelIDLoader and TextMelIDCollate,...