Daniel Lautzenheiser
Daniel Lautzenheiser
I am having a lot of trouble replicating your issue. It might be more helpful to know what you are attempting to accomplish. Right now if I use your config...
Please try updating to the most recent version `v4.3.0` and let me know if you are still experiencing this issue. The datepicker library was updates significantly since `v4.0.0`.
Probably a better way to say it than less used is "more specialized". Basically I want to leave in the core product only what most people will need out of...
What OS are you running your local environment on?
Please provide a sample of a markdown file where this occurred.
Are you only seeing this issue when using the proxy server locally? Does it work as expected when not using the proxy server?
What version of static cms are you using?
That sounds like a good approach to me.
I'll update the docs to clarify this, but the `object` widget only validates it has a value when `required: true`. When `required` is `false`, it skips that check, BUT child...
> There does seem to be a bug here around the collapsed state, so I will address that here shortly. However getting `required:f false` to work as you want (skip...