Kamaraju S. Kusumanchi
Kamaraju S. Kusumanchi
> Are either of you interested? My interest is limited to * upgrading the dependencies https://github.com/deanmalmgren/textract/pull/414 * creating a new release with the new dependencies I have some experience with...
This feature would be very useful. In my case, I have multiple namespaces - some public, some private, and some shared between a handful of users. In general, let's say...
Thanks @paulirish . I am able to get past this error with selenium 4.2.0 . But it looks like the schwab scraper is broken. It opens the chrome window, enters...
I found that it works with (pandas 1.5.3, pandas-datareader 0.10.0) but not with (pandas 2.0.3, pandas-datareader 0.10.0). Consider the following environment files ``` % cat env_test_pandas_153.yml name: test_pandas_153 channels: -...
You can fix the error locally as follows: In pandas_datareader/nasdaq_trader.py, change ``` with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): data = read_csv( StringIO("\n".join(lines[:-1])), "|", dtype=_TICKER_DTYPE, converters=converter_map, index_col=1, ) ``` to ``` with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): data =...
Could someone please create a release? This will fix https://github.com/pydata/pandas-datareader/issues/970 .