ios-KRKmeans-Algorithm copied to clipboard
K-Means is clustering algorithm (クラスタリング分類) that one of Machine Learning methods.
KRKmeans has implemented K-Means the clustering algorithm (クラスタリング分類) and achieved multi-dimensional clustering in this project. KRKmeans could be used in data mining (データマイニング), image compression (画像圧縮) and classification.
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod "KRKmeans", "~> 2.6.1"
How to use
#import "KRKmeans.h"
Distance Methods
"KRKmeansKernelCosine" is Cosine Similarity.
"KRKmeansKernelEuclidean" is Euclidean.
"KRKmeansKernelRBF" is Radial Basis Function.
Choosing Centers of Groups
// 1. Random choosing the centers of groups from patterns.
[kmeans randomChooseCenters:3];
// 2. Quickly customizing the groups and centers
[kmeans addGroupForCenterFeatures:@[@2, @2] centerId:@"Center_1" groupId:@"Group_1"];
[kmeans addGroupForCenterFeatures:@[@6, @5] centerId:@"Center_2" groupId:@"Group_2"];
[kmeans addGroupForCenterFeatures:@[@3, @17] centerId:@"Center_3" groupId:@"Group_3"];
One dimensonal clustering
The one dimensonal clustering.
//One dimensional K-Means, the data set is any number means.
KRKmeansOne *kmeansOne = [KRKmeansOne sharedKmeans];
kmeansOne.sources = @[@0.33, @0.88, @1, @0.52, @146, @120, @45, @43, @0.4];
//If you wanna customize the median value
//kmeansOne.customMedian = 45.0f;
[kmeansOne clusteringWithCompletion:^(BOOL success, float knowledgeLine, NSArray *maxClusters, NSArray *minClusters, NSArray *midClusters, NSDictionary *overlappings)
NSLog(@"knowledgeLine : %f", knowledgeLine);
NSLog(@"maxClusters : %@", maxClusters);
NSLog(@"minClusters : %@", minClusters);
NSLog(@"midClusters : %@", midClusters);
NSLog(@"overlappings : %@", overlappings);
//[_krKmeansOne printResults];
Multi-dimensonal clustering
KRKmeans *kmeans = [KRKmeans sharedKmeans];
kmeans.modelKey = @"MyKmeans1";
kmeans.saveAfterDone = YES;
kmeans.maxIteration = 10;
// Adding patterns
NSArray *patterns = @[@[@5, @4], @[@3, @4], @[@2, @5], @[@9, @8], @[@3, @20],
@[@1, @1], @[@1, @2], @[@2, @2], @[@3, @2], @[@3, @1],
@[@6, @4], @[@7, @6], @[@5, @6], @[@6, @5], @[@7, @8],
@[@3, @12], @[@5, @20]];
NSInteger index = -1;
for( NSArray *features in patterns )
index += 1;
NSString *patternId = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Training_%li", index];
KRKmeansPattern *pattern = [kmeans createPatternWithFeatures:features patternId:patternId];
[kmeans addPattern:pattern];
[kmeans randomChooseCenters:3];
[kmeans setupKernel:KRKmeansKernelEuclidean];
[kmeans clusteringWithCompletion:^(BOOL success, KRKmeans *kmeansObject, NSInteger totalTimes) {
NSLog(@"totalTimes : %li", totalTimes);
NSLog(@"featuresOfCenters : %@", kmeansObject.featuresOfCenters);
NSLog(@"centers objects: %@", kmeansObject.centers);
NSLog(@"SSE : %lf", kmeansObject.sse);
} perIteration:^(NSInteger times, KRKmeans *kmeansObject, BOOL *pause) {
NSLog(@"times : %li", times);
// If you want to direct pause that next iteration running, then you could set :
//*pause = YES;
Predicating & Recovering
To recover that trained model to predicate the patterns.
// Recovering the tranined groups to predicate patterns.
KRKmeans *kmeans = [KRKmeans sharedKmeans];
[kmeans recoverGroupsForKey:@"MyKmeans1"];
NSMutableArray *samples = [NSMutableArray new];
NSArray *patterns = @[@[@21, @12], @[@13, @21], @[@12, @5], @[@3, @8]];
NSInteger index = -1;
for( NSArray *features in patterns )
index += 1;
NSString *patternId = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Predication_%li", index];
KRKmeansPattern *pattern = [kmeans createPatternWithFeatures:features patternId:patternId];
[samples addObject:pattern];
[kmeans predicatePatterns:samples completion:^(BOOL success, KRKmeans *kmeansObject, NSInteger totalTimes) {
NSLog(@"\n\n====================== Predication ===========================\n\n");
[kmeansObject printResults];