Same problem. Running on Samsung S7 Android 6.0.1 Magisk 25.2. Had before Afwall+ version 3.0.3 with zero crashes.
Got it. Thanks for the quick reply! Follow-up question: I'm getting the following error message when using mdTlsNative on Windows XP x86 SP3: **mdTlsNative.TlsHandshake AcquireCredentialsHandle The credentials supplied to the...
Thanks for the fix in https://github.com/wqweto/VbAsyncSocket/commit/77b2412ec798c32f2f525718a12775842f05694f! Server: TlsSocket(native) Windows XP x86 SP3 with POSReady: TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 are **working**. Server: TlsSocket(native) Windows XP x86 SP2: TLS 1.0 is...
Thanks :). Server TLS 1.2 native works after importing certificate into store.
Thanks for commit https://github.com/wqweto/VbAsyncSocket/commit/7d20880543e91e365e9b66f0bf51fbd8e3d1c4ab Server SSL 2.0 native now works :). Now SSL 2.0 SSL 3.0 TLS 1.0 TLS 1.1(with POSReady) TLS 1.2(with POSReady and import of certificate) work as...