TBF copied to clipboard
Fixed madness.
This is hilarious.
You know I made that an obvious change for a reason, right? Get something better to do with your time.
If I wanted to, I could very easily circumvent pirated versions altogether and you're very much looking in the wrong product for the thing that does that. I loosened restrictions on piracy with this product and now I'm getting a good laugh at your reaction.
I'll keep this pull request active indefinitely and refer back to it when I need a pick-me-up 👍
I thought this was a community project, mate.
@Kaldaien why 45fps? you should make it 1fps lol.
@raidcookie, he is just a kid with programming knowledge... a hint, anyone reading this just ignore and download the TBF from another fork, "protesting" just make this kid joyful
Community fix that makes pirates get less out of the game than normally. You're a real fucking funny man mister.
mov eax,dword ptr ds:[rsi+r14]
cmp dword ptr ds:[180099BA0],eax
jg tbfix.1800557B5
call qword ptr ds:[<SK_Steam_PiratesAhoy>]
test eax,eax
je tbfix.1800554E5
call qword ptr ds:[<&timeGetTime>]
mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[rsi+r14]
mov ebx,eax
to this
mov eax,dword ptr ds:[rsi+r14]
cmp dword ptr ds:[180099BA0],eax
jg tbfix.1800557B5
call qword ptr ds:[<SK_Steam_PiratesAhoy>]
test eax,eax
jmp tbfix.1800554E5 <~ always not equal xD
call qword ptr ds:[<&timeGetTime>]
mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[rsi+r14]
mov ebx,eax