ZTE-MC-Home-assistant copied to clipboard
ZTE MC801A, MC888, MC889 Home assistant addon
ZTE Home assistant addon
ZTE Home assistant addon
Supported models :
You can add home assistant sensors and SMS parsing from Zte MC801A router
UPDATE : modified configuration to support new versions of Home assistant
- Add command line merge directory : command_line: !include_dir_merge_list command_line/ to configuration.yaml
- Adjust sensors.py
- Add command_line directory from repo
- Comment out ZTE switches
- Restart and test
How to use
You need to create folder inside Home Assistant (under /root/config/
) named :
After that you need to add to configuration.yaml
sensor: !include_dir_merge_list sensors/
switch: !include_dir_merge_list switch/
command_line: !include_dir_merge_list command_line/ to configuration.yaml
in file zte_tool.py
you need to replace ip and password with your own values:
zteInstance = zteRouter("IP OF ROUTER", "PASSWORD")
After all that reboot HA and all sensors in Home assistant will be created
SMS SENDER : (for anyone who has like me need to send sms-s after you spend your data plan, or you just need sms :)
Edit lines in zte_tool.py
need for sending sms :
phoneNumber = 'PHONENUMBER' # enter phone number here
message = 'MESSAGE' # enter your message here
zteInstance = zteRouter("", "PASSWORD") # enter your router IP nad password here
Switch for send (you can create that from switches)
Home assistant part :
Look in switches configuration...
Automation for send SMS (you can put to automations.yaml
): are in repo as yaml with clean and reboot automations
UPDATE : modified configuration to support new versions of Home assistant
From 2023.8.0 Command line is moving so you need to adjust the configuration like
FURTHER INFO : I switch all to python and next step is to try to pack it like Hassio addon or integration, but for now this is functioning for me, anyone wanna contribute u can use this code and expand the funcionalities, like i use lot of code from guys bellow to achieve any functionalites so big thanks to them to share code.
And also i will try to pull all the parameter out of onfiguration files so that all stuff will be at one place.
Special thanks to:
https://github.com/ngarafol - for providig fixes along the way to this repo
paulo-correia/ZTE_API_and_Hack - for list of Requests and PHP Class
Mohammad Aghazadeh - for MD5 hash and UTF8 Encoding
Behzad Ebrahimi - for encode unicode string in "UCS2" format
gediz/trivial-tools-n-scripts/blob/superbox-hacks - for AD calculating algorithm
for providing me a solution to autheticating and parsing data from ZTE router